ECN, UNEP seek SON, to sustain energy consumption in Nigeria

In the pursuit to enhance energy efficiency of household appliances, particularly air conditioners, the technical committee on the Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for air conditioners in Nigeria, the Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN) in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has recommended to the Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON), a review of MEPS for air conditioners used in Nigeria, in order to promote sustainable energy consumption across the nation.

Speaking on Wednesday in Abuja, the Chairman, Technical Committee on Household Appliances Engr. Nelson Chukwu, said the initiative is not merely a regulatory exercise but a pivotal step towards achieving a broader goals of energy conservation, environmental sustainability, and economic resilience.

According to him, that the primary objective is to scrutinize the draft MEPS for air conditioners with meticulous attention to details.

Speaking in an interview, the Director General ECN Dr. Mustapha Abdullahi, has assured Nigerians to expect more efficient refrigerators and heating system. “What we are doing, is to create a standard for Nigeria and whosoever is bringing in anything, must meet up with such standards. Which means that you will have to spend less money in powering your refrigerator in cooling system and less in heating system which is good for the country.”

During his keynote speech, the Director General/CEO SON  Dr. Ifeanyi Chukwunonso Okeke, said the journey on energy conservation began in 2014 with the elaboration of the MEPS for lighting, focusing on compact fluorescent lamps, were the prevalent technology at the time.

Adding that,  this pioneering efforts in these areas, gained regional recognition, leading ECOWAS to adopt Nigeria’s standards as part of the ECOSTAND 071 series.