Eagles to nest in Lagos soon – FA

Nigeria’s Super Eagles may soon find a permanent nest in Lagos state when the new- look Teslim Balogun Stadium rehabilitation is completed.

According to the Chairman of the Lagos State Football Association (LSFA) Faoud Oki, “I’m looking forward with excitement to the completion of the rehabilitation work at the Teslim Balogun Stadium. Once that is done, the Eagles will have a permanent home.

“We want to bring back lost glory of the Stadium and the National team. His Excellence Governor Babajide Sanwo-olu is committed to providing the needed support for the actualisation of this noble goal.

“The recent reception accorded the Super Eagles attests to the love the Governor has for Football and Sports generally. We shall continue to build on the mandate the Governor has given us. We want to reenact the good old days of football in Lagos State.

“We will rejig the capacity of all coaches in Lagos. We shall turn the capacity of uncertificated coaches to well trained coaches to change the narrative. We are excited by this opportunity for a new direction for our country’s football development.”