Doughnuts, the delight of every Nigerian baker

A doughnut is a small fried snack of sweetened dough that comes in the shape of a ball or ring. It is popular in many countries and is prepared in various forms that can be homemade or purchased in bakeries. This can also be glazed, frosted, or iced with powdered sugar.

However, Bomboloni is a slightly crispy, soft, and light Italian doughnut, typically with an overwhelming sweet filling like whipped cream, jam, caramel cream, and chocolate eaten as a snack food and dessert. Bombolone, also known as a bombe, means “big bomb”as it is a real explosion of flavour in the mouth.

There are two types of bomboloni: the original Tuscan style and the Krapten style, more common in the regions that used to be under Austrian rule. The first is more traditional and the latter has become more common over the years. Both are made with yeast dough, proofed for a few hours, and then fried in vegetable oil.

The market for doughnuts in Nigeria is growing big as there is an increasingly high demand for this mouth-savory snack by people of all ages. Many Nigerian bakers are struggling to make Bomboloni doughnuts which have now become the popular recipe that allows for creativity and experimentation with different fillings to attract more customers in the Nigerian market.

Making doughnuts may not be as simple as it is, according to a Nigerian talented baker, Tasty Dainty, who spent three months before she mastered the Italian doughnut, narrating some difficulties that bakers face especially those who are toiling to make it. These include; incorrect way of kneading, putting too much flour or less, pouring water at once, over-proofing the dough, high heat for frying, bad yeast, bad ingredients and bad recipe. As a result, the dough becomes sticky when fried, failing to give the actual taste, texture and shape required.

To start a successful bomboloni doughnut business in Nigeria, it’s essential to have a delicious and enticing recipe that will keep customers coming back to you. Here are the step-by-step methods to get you started:

1. 500g all purpose flour

2. 120g sugar

3. 1 tbsp instant yeast

4.250ml milk

5.50g butter

6. 1 cup water

7. 1 egg

8. 3 inches deep oil

Firstly, you don’t need a mixer to make bomboloni. You can knead the dough until it feels tacky and does not stick to a clean finger when quickly touched. Put the flour, sugar and yeast in the mixer bowl and stir to combine. Scatter cubes of butter over the flour, so it’s evenly distributed then pour in the egg, lukewarm milk and water. Bring the dough out onto a clean surface. Shape the dough into a small ball by kneading it 2-3 times. Place the dough in a clean bowl lightly greased with oil and cover plastic wrap. Leave to prove for 2-3 hours, if the doughnut doesn’t rise, and the yeast was good, then preheat your oven to a very low temperature, turn the oven off and then stick your bowl dough in the oven. The warmth in there will help it rise faster. Once the dough has risen, knead it into a smooth ball, flatten the dough with your hand, use a cookie cutter to cut around the doughnut about 3-5 inches in diameter. You can cut it into a shape. Place the cut out doughnut in a surface linked with baking parchment and leave to prove until tripled in size. Once it’s proved, then fry in an oil around 3 inches for best result. Leave to cool.

Muhammad Kanya Hauwa’u,

Department of Mass Commission,

Ahmadu Bello University,Zaria,Kaduna state