Don’t use Abacha loot to campaign, Church tells FG

The Synod of the “Universal Reformed Christian Church,” popularly known as NKST has advised the federal government to handle funds recovered from the Abacha loot transparently and avoids using it to fund political campaign.
The synod in a communiqué signed by the NKST President, Rev.
Dominic Anza and made available to newsmen on Wednesday in Makurdi, noted that any attempt to use the money to fund political activities would meet stiff opposition from God through the prayers of the faithful.
The communiqué admonished Christians to take the issue of voter registration very seriously to enable them participate in the forthcoming general elections in 2019.
It stated that if all everyone register and have their voters card it would avail them the opportunity to vote or elect candidates of their choice.
According to the communiqué, election is the only sure way and language a failed politician or government understands.
The communiqué reads in part: “The Church is completely in support of the Anti-Open Grazing Law enacted by Benue, Tara ba and Ekiti states.
The church encouraged other Houses of Assembly to work together with their governors to be audacious enough to initiate the process of enacting similar laws in their states.
‘’The synod condemns in strong terms the plans of Nasarawa state government to have cattle colonies established in areas inhabited by the Tiv people of the state.
‘’Tiv people are bona fide indigenes of Nasarawa state having lived there from time immemorial together with other ethnic groups.
As such converting the ancestral lands of the Tiv ethnic nationality into cattle colony is a sign of ethnic cleansing which is a violation of the 1999 constitution.” While reiterating their call for the search of the kidnapped Dapchi girl, Miss Leah Sharibu who had been held hostage by the Boko Haram since Feb. 2018, the synod encouraged her members to remain prayerful.