Destination still far, Secondus tells defector

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has described those who have defected from the All Progressives Congress (APC) as heroes of Nigeria democracy.
The National Chairman of the party, Prince Uche Secondus who stated this yesterday at dinner in honour of the defectors also warned members of the party not to celebrate yet, that the destination was still far.
The chairman said ” this is to honour our brothers who took the bold step in the interest of Nigeria to defect from a ruling party to the Peoples Democratic Party.
This is selfless service and not because of a political party, but it is in the interest of our nation.
“In the past 3 years the APC government imposed military mentality on Nigerians, the security personnel that are supposed to enforce law, are now been used to brake the laws, we have seen this in Benue and Ekiti.
“About 200 million Nigerians can no longer sit and watch the killings, bloodletting and abating.
This government is a government of frame up, government of denial and a government that have no interest of the people, he lamented.
He also cautioned members of the PDP not to celebrate yet, “let me remind you that we are far from getting to our destination.
It is going to be a long walk to freedom and our brothers have taken the first step.
We have a lot to do.
On the maltreatment of the law makers, Second us said “Many of our heroes have in the past three years laboured in veins to come up with better laws to better the lot of the people, but all the bills that have been passed are either rejected or abandoned by the executive.
The PDP National Chairman welcomed all the defectors back to the home of Nigeria democracy” and assured them of equal playing field for all.
Responding on behalf of the defectors, Senator Dino Malaye thanked the entire leadership and members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for the honour.
Dino who also warned that it is not over until it’s all over, said ” the APC government will do everything possible to intimidate those who have defected and those that are about to.
But no amount of intimidation will stop us.
In his remark, Hon.
Bode Ayorinde who responded on behalf of the Members House of Representatives thanked the party, charged the party to strengthen internal democracy and honor all agreement discussed.