Demolition: Don’t worsen pains of Abians with demolition plan, APGA cautions Otti

The All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), Abia state, has advised Dr. Alex Otti-led government in Abia state to tread with caution and not to add to sufferings and pains of the citizens through its resolved to demolish of illegal structures at Isi-gate and its environs within this Christmas season.

The state APGA noted that there was no doubt that the structures that the government was planning to demolish within Isi-gate contained businesses of Abia citizens along Is gate, cooperative, Uzuakoli road and Aba road within Umuahia. 

The Abia APGA further noted that its attention has been drawn to a press release  by the Abia state government, acting through the General Manager Umuahia Capital Development Authority (UCDA) today the 29th day of November, 2023 titled ”Demolition of Illegal Structures within Umuahia commences by next week. 

A statement by the State Publicity Secretary of the party, Barrister Chukwuemeka Nwokoro, further stated that “APGA as a political party and a major opposition party in the state was not averse to the decision of the state government to demolish all illegal structures within the state capital.

However, APGA queried why the state government would want to carry out the said demolition this critical period, when people were struggling to see what they could make out of their respective businesses so as to enable them feed their families, considering the severe economic hardship facing Nigerians, Abians inclusive.

“To this end, APGA hereby cautions Alex Otti-led government in Abia state to suspend the planned demolition which according to government would commence by next week so as to avert the imminent and obvious hardship it will unleash on Abia citizens doing businesses within the affected areas”.

The party pointed out that the exercise was ill-timed, saying that destroying peoples businesses this Christmas season was tantamount to sending them to their early graves which would further add to the pains and or exacerbate the sufferings of many families.

“It is not in doubt that there are over 100 thousand Abians being fed by the trading going on within Isi-gate and its environs and statistics has shown that those trading within the Isi gate come from different parts of Abia state including Aba, Ukwa, Arochukwu and Umunneochi respectively and they come on daily basis just in an effort to feed their respective families and dependent relatives.”

APGA, therefore, wondered if the state government under Alex Otti had critically considered what would be the end result of dislodging and dislocating over 500 businesses within the affected areas within this Christmas season, especially considering the fact that people are much more expectant of business gains within their business locations during Christmas season.

According to APGA, “government should, therefore, as a matter of urgency and to save lives suspend its planned demolition this year. We advise that same should be shifted next year in the interest of millions of Abians who will be affected by the said decision.”