Deaf women advocate equal access to healthcare services in Anambra

Deaf Women Aloud Initiative (DWAI), an Abuja based non-governmental organisation, Friday, urged governor Chukwuma Soludo to expedite action towards granting people with impaired hearing equal access to healthcare services in Anambra State.

The Executive Director, DWAI, Ms Hellen Beyioku-Alase, who made the call at Awka, Anambra state capital, at official launch and dissemination of research findings on inclusive sexual and reproductive health services for deaf women in Anambra State, revealed that ‘disabled people’ have suffered stigmatisation and discrimination at health facilities.

According to Beyioku-Alase, their research findings revealed cmmunication barriers, lack of accessible health information and numerous other challenges in accessing quality health care. 

“Implementing our recommendations can enhance interpreter availability, provide targeted training for healthcare providers and develop inclusive policies that prioritise health and wellbeing of deaf women and girls. It is a call for healthcare providers, policymakers, community leaders and all stakeholders to come together in solidarity and commitment,” she added.

Contributing, the State Chairman, Joint National Association of Persons with Disabilities (JONAPWD), Comrade Ugochukwu Okeke argued that keeping proper data of people with disabilities access to health facilities would help policy makers and others to advocate for enhanced and inclusive  healthcare delivery to all in Anambra State.

The representatives of Anambra State Ministry of Women Affairs, Princess Bibiana Nwankwo and her counterparts from the Ministry of Health, Dr Uju Okoye promised to take the messages to their respective institutions so as to inspire government actions towards provision of their demands.

Earlier, the Chairman, Anambra State Disability Rights Commission, Barrister Chukwuka Ezewuzie commended the Nongovernmental organisation for chosen Anambra State for the programme which he argued would be a beacon guiding all towards a more inclusive future and transformation of healthcare system.