CSO frets over procedure for impeaching Ogun speaker Oluomo 

The Coalition of Civil Societies Against Impunity (CCSAI) has condemned the procedure adopted in impeaching the speaker of Ogun state House of Assembly, Hon. Olakunle Oluomo last week and called for reversal of the impeachment.

The coalition called on all Nigerians to rise up and condemn the impeachment saying the rule of law was not followed in carrying out the act.

Addressing journalists in Ogba, Lagos, the spokesperson of the organization, Comrade Shina Loremikan, who was accompanied by Comrades Decklan Ihekaire, Aghedo Kehinde, Juli Ihejirika and Jude Ochiauha, stated that the circumstances surrounding the removal of Hon Oluomo raised serious questions about the due process and legal procedures.

The coalition demanded an immediate reversal of the decision to remove the Speaker Oluomo from the position of Speaker, until the dispute is resolved through the propel legal channels.”Such impulsive actions without proper legal basis set a dangerous precedent and contribute to the erosion of democratic values.”The coalition stated.

It stated that, it is the duty of elected representatives to uphold the rule of law, and any deviation from that fundamental principle, erodes the trust of the public in the democratic process.

“It is imperative to state that, the position of leadership not excluding the Speakership in the State House of Assemblies is a legislative privilege to members, not a right which has a laid down constitutional procedure to attain such a leadership ladder.

“This act by those who know but refuse to do the needful by not following due process calls for a total condemnation, and shouldn’t be allowed to sail through in our current democratic setting,” Loremikan said.

The coalition also emphasised the importance of transparency in governance and urged Ogun state House of Assembly to provide detailed account of the legal and procedural basis for the removal of Oluomo.

“The public has a right to know and understand the justifications behind such decisions  that impact the democratic structure,” the coalition said.

It will be recalled that 18 out of the 26-member Ogun assembly impeached Oluomo as speaker last week.