CSO commends PCC, urges more action against administrative injustice 

A non-governmental organisation, Citizens Media and Development Network (CIMEDEN) has commended the management of the Public Complaints Commission (PCC) for its successful interventions and resolution of cases of administrative injustice in both public and private sectors in the country.

The group also called on the Commission to exert more action against corruption and administrative injustice in both public and private sectors.

The statement was contained in a press release signed by the spokesperson of the organisation, Ibrahim Mohammed, which was made available to newsmen Wednesday in Abuja. 

According to the group, whose advocacy focus is on public policy, democracy and governance, and media sector development, “we want to partner with the Public Complaints Commission in order to enhance public awareness and advocacy against injustice relating to administrative duties and abuse of power, as well as anti-corruption campaign. 

“This decision was taken after our last edition of Public Policy Review Meeting (PPRM) which took place in Abuja during which we considered critical issues relating to human, social and economic rights of the citizens under the current dispensation.

“We commend the management of the Commission under the leadership of Honourable Chief Commissioner Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf and urge it to remain steadfast and aggressive in the pursuit of justice, fairness and human rights through its mechanism of decisive, effective and cost-free dispute resolution,” the statement said.

The group said it would continue to support the PCC in the area of “increased public awareness campaign on the Commission’s mandate and its significance to citizens’ social, administrative, economic rights among others.”