COVID-19: Rosabon brokerage programme to empower Nigerians

In a bid to provide extra earning opportunities for Nigerians during the COVID-19 period, Rosabon Financial Services, leading non-bank financial services firm, is extending its brokerage programme to interested and eligible brokers across the nation.

With the lockdown in full effect to curtail the spread of COVID-19, most companies have directed their employees to work from home. 

The Rosabon brokerage programme is intended to provide opportunities for Nigerians to earn steadier passive income while working from home.

Launched in 2016, the Rosabon brokerage programme provides an avenue for new and existing brokers to link the organisation with their wide network of clients who may be interested in the firm’s affordable and highly rewarding loans, leases, investments and partnership packages; earning a commission as high as 2 per cent for their referrals once the deal is sealed.

Rosabon, in a statement, said that it has activated the Rosabon brokerage programme to encourage individuals to supplement their income without having to live off their savings.

Speaking about the brokerage programme, Managing Director of Rosabon Financial Services, Mr. Chukwuma Ochonogor said: “Over the years, we have evolved into one of Nigeria’s leading providers of highly affordable and custom made credit and treasury products to suit the diverse needs of Individuals and corporate organisations.

“The idea is to encourage individuals to take advantage of this sit-at-home phase by simply connecting their friends and contacts interested in our credit and investment offerings with our team of qualified experts. They can also earn exclusive rewards when they refer friends and family to connect with our offerings.”

He added: “We want to assure our brokers that we are working to give our customers more flexibility in managing their Rosabon investment and credit accounts. Rosabon Brokers can now advise their clients to benefit from a full range of lifestyle financial solutions designed to meet their needs.”

In addition to this programme, Rosabon has reiterated its commitment to supporting individuals and businesses in tackling the economic impact of the lockdown.

Mr. Ochonogor is further quoted as saying “Rosabon is focused on delivering the best possible service to all Nigerians and supporting the Nigerian economy, while taking deliberate steps to further support parts of the economy most in need at this critical period.”

He added: “In particular, we are creating tailored lifestyle solutions to every individual and doing everything we can to support households and businesses”.

Speaking on his experience as a Rosabon Broker, Business Consultant, Isiekwu Benjamin said “Through the Rosabon Brokerage programme, I have gained a wealth of experience. 

I now understand the dynamics of what it required to get loans approved and why some loan requests are declined. The Rosabon brokerage programme guarantees me constant financial rewards in form of my commission for successful referrals.”