COVID-19: Medical practitioners make case for complete lockdown

The National Association of Government General Medical and Dental Practitioners (NAGGMDP), has called for consideration of complete shut of all entry points in the country to forestall the spread of Coronavirus. 

The association also noted that the refusal of Northern Governors’ Forum to declare lockdown in their region portends great danger for Nigeria. 

A release signed by its Chairman, Dr. Olufemi Oroge, and made available to newsmen in Osogbo, Osun state, Sunday, said the lockdown as been the best way to prevent further spread of the disease. 

“Empirical evidence suggests that the lockdown has been the most effective strategy for limiting the spread. Completely shutting immigration through all possible points of entry must be considered immediately. 

On the NGF refusal to declare lockdown, NAGGMPD said “their reasons are clear and we sympathize with the decision they had to make. This stand however portends great danger for the nation. 

“The geometric amplification of cases seen in one of the northern states could be an indication of a high rate of spread, or also an indication of already high prevalence only being detected by a late effort at testing. 

“Of course, some are rescinding their decisions; it was needless waiting this long. Whatever the case, if a nationwide lockdown does not happen soon enough. States like Osun would require spirited efforts to sustain the gains made so far to contain the pandemic. They may have to operate as a nation within a nation.

Commending Governor Adegboyega Oyetola of Osun state for been proactive in tacking the issue, the association noted that there has been no evidence of community transmission in the State. 

“The governor of Osun State, Mr Gboyega Oyetola has shown commitment to the welfare of the people especially where the response to COVID-19 is concerned. We salute him for the courage he demonstrated, going above politics to take a tough but very necessary decision to lockdown the State to further reduce the chance of COVID 19 spread. 

“This is recognized against a background of other proactive steps which include the inauguration of an Emergency Preparedness and Response Committee as early as the day immediately following the confirmation of the first Nigerian case. 

“As advised by the WHO, infection prevention and control practices must continue to be promoted till the outbreak is overcome. The treatment centres also must be up and running and effectively primed to manage severe cases. All frontline responders in the pandemic should be adequately protected and motivated.

It frowned at the brutality of there doctors by the police in Osun, saying “when only 11 persons had died from Covid-19 in the country, security forces had killed 18 during attempts to enforce lockdown. A lot more have been beaten, battered and brutalized.”