Court orders NYSC to pay de-kitted corp member N5m 

A Federal High Court, seating in Abakaliki, has ordered the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) to pay the sum of five million naira to Miss Ufumaka Glory Ukpanken, a corps member with registration number EB/A221514, humiliated and de-kitted for wearing skirt to camp.

In a case file with suit No: FHC/AI/CS/12/2023, Justice H.A Nganjiwa, ordered that the scheme should not force any female corps member to wear trousers.

Ufumala’s lawyer, I.O Okhidievbie, Esq, argued that the scheme’s refusal to recognise and allow skirt as part of the NYSC uniform/kit is a breach of the corps members’ fundamental right as contained, guaranteed and protected under Section 38(1) of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria as amended pursuant to the Applicants Christian belief, and injunction as contained in the Book of Deuteronomy chapter 22, verse 5 in the Holy Bible and is misread of 2nd Schedule, Article 1 (1)/(a) of the NYSC bye Laws, 1999.

Delivering his judgment on 31st January, 2024, Justice H.A Nganjiwa, ordered and mandated the scheme to recognise, allow and provide skirt for the applicant or any female corps member wishing to use same in line with her fundamental right as contained, guaranteed and protected under section 38(1) of the 1999 constitution of Nigeria as amended and pursuant. to the injunction of the Holy Bible in the Book of Deuteronomy at chapter 22 verse 5 thereof.?