Court dissolves 25-year-old marriage over husband’s negligence

A Kaduna Sharia Court, sitting in Magajin Gari, yesterday, dissolved the marriage between Nuhu Usman and Rashida Aminu, over Nuhu’s failure to cater for the family.
The Judge, Malam Musa Saad, dissolved the union after listening to both parties and their guardians.
Saad ordered Usman, the respondent, to give N10, 000 allowance and a sack of corn monthly to Rashida, the petitioner.
“Based on the proof presented to court and the respondent not denying the allegations against him, I hereby dissolve the union between Nuhu Usman and Rashida Aminu,” he said.
Rashida had on September 5, 2018, told the court that her husband had abandoned her and their nine children for more than a year.
She said her parents had been the ones taking care of her and the children, stating “I want this honourable court to dissolve our marriage because of his irresponsible behaviour.’’ In his response, the respondent said he was a driver that travels inter-state to make ends meet, adding that he sends money at intervals.
According to him, “I sent N30,000 to her within the period she filed the case.” Usman, who said he still loved his wife, prayed the court to give him more time to reconcile with her.
The judge had earlier requested the presence of the parties’ guardians, however, only the petitioner’s guardian, Magaji Audu, showed up.
Audu, who told the court that he gave the petitioner out in marriage, confirmed that Usman had been irresponsible, noting that Rashida’s father had given the respondent a car to drive so that he could provide food for his family.
According to him, Usman who lost the car given to him by his father-in-law, had in 2003 in writing, agreed to be of good behaviour and a responsible husband, after a misunderstanding he had with his wife.
He presented the written agreement to the court.