Cop, pro-Biafra separatist killed in secession broadcast attempt

By Raphael Ede

The pro-Biafra separatist Biafra Zionists Federation (BZF) yesterday launched another attack on the Enugu State Broadcasting Service (ESBS) in a failed attempt to make a secession broadcast.
The incident, which happened at about 5:56 am, was led by London-trained lawyer, Benjamin Onwuka.
A staff of the state electronic media who pleaded anonymity told our correspondent that the group, led by Onwuka, along with at least 20 other members, stormed the television house unarmed but ordered that staff assist them to make a secession broadcast.
The source said while the separatist leaders were waiting for the studio manager, who was not in office, four policemen stormed the station to prevent them from entering the studio, and they started shooting sporadically.
While the separatists were running in different directions, one of the policeman shot one and he died instantly. The policeman also shot and killed a sergeant whom he didn’t know had pursued another separatist who had jumped the fence.
An eyewitness said two members were later arrested, while some passers-by were also arrested for questioning.
The mission of the pro-Biafra separatist leader to the state television house was to make a live broadcast having declared himself leader of the new Biafran Republic on November 2013.
The group had claimed responsibility for the invasion of the Enugu state Government House in March, this year, during which some guards were injured.
The police arrested and arraigned five members of the group who were remanded in Enugu prison.
The police later declared Onwuka and his members wanted, but none of them was arrested before yesterday’s invasion of the ESBS.
When contacted, the Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Ebere Amarizu, confirmed the incident.
At the time of filing this report, the police had not officially briefed newsmen.