Children’s Day: Amnesty International takes sport activities to Nasarawa IDP camp

In commemoration of Children’s Day, Amnesty International at the weekend organized sport activities for children at the Inter-Faith Internal Displaced Persons (IDP) Camp in Gurku, Maraba, Nasarawa state.

The event, which featured various sports activities such as quizzes, storytelling and sports, seek to empower these children to endure and thrive despite their circumstances, thereby enhancing their overall well-being.

This event is not only a celebration but also an opportunity to use sports as a medium for human rights education and underscores our commitment to uplifting and empowering children living in displacement due to conflict and crises.

Amnesty International Researcher, Maurice Chukwu explained that the organization’s commitment is to protect the rights of children, particularly those displaced by insurgency.

He said they believe in the rights of children, and it’s their responsibility to ensure their protection, even in the face of adversity.

Chukwu highlighted the importance of engaging with children in IDP camps, saying, “We have done this over the years, and it’s a continuous engagement because it’s part of our work to ensure everyone has their rights protected.”

He emphasized that children are key, as training them means training a whole community and, by extension, the whole country.

Also, the Mai Angwar, Fei Mana Gurku IDP Camp,Chief Manasseh Byanyiko lauded the Amnesty International for the good gesture program stating that the program will help them forget their troubles and focus on their future.

The Head teacher of Inter-Faith IDP Camp Primary and Montessori School, Mr. Gideon Girbi expressed gratitude to Amnesty International for the program, which he believes will have a significant impact on the children’s lives.

The initiator of the Inter-Faith IDP Camp Gurku,Marcus Gamache described the program as the first of its kind in the camp since its inception in September 2014.

The children received gifts such as vests, books, and pens, as well as refreshments, at the end of the event.

Amnesty International also donated sports equipment, including Footballs, Volleyballs, Nets, Jerseys, Chess and Scrabble sets, to the camp.

Amnesty International’s sports workshop aimed to promote the rights and well-being of IDP children, and its impact will be felt long after the event.

Through engaging activities such as Scrabble, Chess, Football, and Volleyball, Amnesty International also aim to foster a sense of community, resilience, and awareness about children’s rights among the young participants.