Cameroonian refugees in Benue want Biya prosecuted for genocide


Cameroonian refugees currently on asylum in Benue have appealed to the Nigerian government to use her position to intervene for a cease fire in the prolonged crisis that has claimed thousands of lives and forced hundreds of thousands to take refuge in neighbouring countries.

The refugees equally called on the International Criminal Court in the Hague to arrest the Cameroonian President, Mr. Paul Biya over alleged crimes and genocide against Ambazonians.

Leader of the refugees’ community in Nigeria, Chief Agba Christopher Ipa, made the call during an interview with newsmen, Sunday at the Ikyogen refugees camp in Kwande local government area of Benue state.

He said when they had crisis in their country, the President of Cameroon declared war on civilians, forcing them to run down to Nigeria with some of them finding themselves in Benue state.

“We are crying and thanking the Nigerian government for the concern they have for us the Cameroonian refugees.

“We want the Nigerian government to help us see how they can solve our problem so that there will be a ceasefire in our country for us to go back,” Chief Agba Christopher pleaded.

On his part, the chairman of Kwande local government area, hosting the refugees, Mr. Tertsua Yarkwan said the Ambazonian crisis has gone beyond the Cameroonian situation and called on the African Union to mediate in the crisis.

The council chairman explained that the Cameroonian refugees would be given equal status to integrate them into the Nigerian society if the crisis in their country persist as the local government was financially constrained in feeding and providing basic needs for the refugees.

He implored the African Union to do something about the humanitarian situation in Cameroon.

“I implore not only the Nigerian government but also the African Union to do something. You know, we are in the ECOWAS area in West Africa. The Cameroonians are coming from Central Africa. So that goes beyond ECOWAS to intervene.
“I plead with the leadership of African Union to be more proactive on this issue and not to see it as a local Cameroonian problem.

“Nigeria is already having the effect of this crisis. Besides being in Kwande, the refugees are in Cross River, they are also in Taraba state.”