Brains and Hammers constructs 4000 shops in Kano


The management of Brains and Hammers, a real estate firm, Monday, disclosed
that it has commenced the construction of 4000 shops in Kano state under its Kano economic city project.

The project, according to the management of the firm, includes about one thousand (1000) shops in the pharmaceutical shops and about three thousand (3000) shops dedicated to information technology activities in the tech hub of the economic city. 

The statement issued by the Brains and Hammers’ Head, Strategic Communication, Mr Onome Okwah, in Abuja, quoted the Executive Director, Kano Economic City of the firm, Mallam Ibrahim Bako, while briefing the state executive council about the project. 

Bako thanked the state governor, Dr Abdullahi Ganduje, and his executive council for the trust reposed in the company to execute this first-of-its-kind project in Africa.

He stated that the continuous support from the governor was the major motivating factor driving the team towards the finish line on this project.

He said: “We are working tirelessly to complete phase one of the project in the next two months. This phase would include about one thousand (1000) shops in the pharmaceutical shops and about three thousand (3000) shops dedicated to information technology activities in the tech hub of the economic city.

“We are determined to make these facilities ready for commissioning by his Excellency before the end of the year. As an organization, we would not be here today without the support of Jaiz Bank.

“Our partnership with Jaiz Bank would enable potential shop owners who can’t afford the capital investment needed for the outright purchase of a shop to secure one with an initial 10 percent capital deposit through Jaiz Bank. The bank would then work with the potential shop owner to pay the remaining 90% investment in installments.”

The Kano state governor, Dr Abdullahi Ganduje, commended the management of Brains and Hammers for the progress made on the Kano Economic City project.

He commended them for the commitment shown in the timely delivery of the almost completed phase one of the pharmaceutical and information technology hub section of the economic city.

 “Just as we are all aware that Brains and Hammers is at the forefront of this one-of-a-kind economic city project currently being developed in Kano state.
This project is a testament to the state government’s resolve to harness the economic potentials of the state for the good of all residents and visitors to the state. We are also proud to have Jaiz Bank as our financial partner on this project.

“My government’s resolve to make Kano state an African regional economic hub is supported by the development expertise of indigenous organizations like Brains and Hammers. When completed, this project would cover all spectrums of our economic life. From pharmaceutical distribution units to information technology hubs, trailer parks for trucks and luxury buses, low-cost hotels for transit commuters and visitors, regional fruit markets complete with refrigeration facilities, banks, and office complexes,” the governor said.