Be professional in discharge of duties, coalition challenges Police

A Coalition of Civil Society Organization (CSO) for good governance has expressed concerns on what it termed the “continuous assault of the Nigerian Police, calling on the leadership of the Nigeria Police Force and the entire men and women of the Force to continue to discharge their responsibilities professionally and not be discouraged by the wave of protests across the country.

Chief Convener of the coalition Comrade Olayemi Success, made the call while briefing the media in Abuja on Sunday, also condemning the position of some fraction of Nigeria Bar Association (NBA) that decided to offer free legal services to some arrested citizens who he described as arsonists and looters.

According to him, the refusal by a faction of the NBA to condemn the killing of Police officers is a way to encourage other criminal minded Protesters to cause my harm to the society.

He said, “As you are all aware that the last few weeks in our dear Nation have been very challenging especially the violent protest, arson, looting and killing of our gallant Police officers, these crimes are so cruel to the extent that the morale of our security agents especially the police is at its lowest ebb  and the implications of this will be too graveous to bear if something is not done to correct the ugly trend. 

“It is very important to condemn those that are condemning our Police at this time as they are confirmed enemies of this Nation and we see them as key players in the coop against the peace and stability of Nigeria especially the Armnesty International that in their fake and destructive reports alleged that that Nigeria Police killed EndSARS peaceful Protesters.

“We see this as very offensive and deliberate mischief against the peace and stability of Nigeria, we therefore condemn in totalty everything that Armnesty International represents in Nigeria.

“We also condemn the position of some fraction of Nigeria Bar Association (NBA) that decided to offer free legal services to some arrested arsonists and looters as a way to encourage other criminal minded Protesters without condemning the killing of our gallant Police officers by these set of people.

“This we see as one of the greatest unpatriotic position of a surppoysedly revered association, we therefore call on the national leadership of NBA to quickly sanction those unpatriotic members of theirs as they are completely bad eggs in the association.

“Let us at this point call on the politicians that they can only lead Nigeria when Nigeria is at peace and United, again, to some of the politicians that believe they can get into power through crooked means other than ballots to stop decieving themselves as Nigerians will definitely resist them when their trades are exposed,” he stressed.

“Well meaning Nigerians who are the overwhelming majority appreciate the sacrifices of the Police to provide security of lives and properties, in fact, they are truly the Heroes of Nigeria’s peace, unity and stability and they should know that we hold them in a very high esteem both now and for ever,” he added.