#BBTitans: Biggie introduces new twist, housemates

Big Brother has brought new housemates to the show in a new twist on Thursday night.

The new housemates walked in during their pool party.

They were introduced to the viewers by the hosts of the show, Ebuka Obi and Lawrence Maleka.

Miracle OP is the first housemate to be introduced. He is a 24-year-old young man from Anambra state, who described himself as witty, talkative, and a risk-taker.

He works at his family’s pharmaceutical company and considers himself a tough guy with a soft core, especially toward those who matter to him.

He loves attention, having a good time, and can sometimes be impulsive.

The second housemate was Sandra, a 27-year-old Nigerian lady from Akwa Ibom, who described herself as a confident boss who can sometimes be manipulative and passively-aggressive.

Blue Aiva, a 22-year-old professional dancer and DJ from Benoni, East Rand, said she is a drama queen who is forward, bubbly, emotional, and loud.

Lastly, Theo Traw, a 29-year-old South African music artist from Vaal, said he is a risk taker and a good listener that loves creating art pieces and making music.