Bauchi: Emirate confers Sadaukin Jama’are on Bala 


The Jama’are Emirate Council in Bauchi state has conferred the traditional title of Sadaukin Jama’are on Governor Bala Mohammed.

This was contained in a letter presented to the governor by a powerful delegation sent by the Emir of Jama’are, Alhaji Nuhu Ahmad Wabi on the development.

According to the letter, the conferment of the traditional tittle on Governor Bala was in recognition of his administration’s commitment to reposition the traditional institution in the state to enable them compete favourably with their counterparts.

The emirate also congratulated the governor for his recent victory at the Supreme Court, describing it as the overall success of the state.

Receiving the letter at Government House Bauchi, Governor Bala expressed appreciation for the honour, and pledged to do more in his efforts to restore the lost glory of traditional institution.