Ayo-Yusuf: New face of PCC with renewed hope

The Public Complaints Commission (PCC), Nigeria’s Ombudsman office, was established on October 17, 1975, by the then Murtala-Obasanjo military regime on the recommendation of the Udoji Panel of Inquiry vested with the powers to investigate and resolve any form of injustice arising from administrative errors, abuse of power and office by government officials or private establishments in Nigeria. 

Since its establishment, the PCC has investigated and successfully handled hundreds of thousands of complaints that have been brought before it by Nigerians and residents in Nigeria.

Living up to its vision statement of restoring dignity of man through the enthronement of rule of law and the protection of the individual and organisation against administrative injustice, the PCC has since inception  promoted effective and efficient services that is responsible to the needs of the citizenry through proactive investigation and resolution of complaints against various levels of Government, such as the federal, state and local governments; as well as public corporations, private sector organisations and their officials. 

With its core mandate such as to investigate and conduct research in Ministries, Departments and Agencies of Government, private companies and officials of these bodies; investigate administrative procedures of any court of law in Nigeria; report crimes in the course or after investigation; report any erring officer for disciplinary action; report, interpret policies of government and advise government and companies; to make public, reports and after investigation; have access to all information and make recommendation, especially after proactive investigation.

PCC has no doubt given and has continued to give Nigerians better and qualitative service delivery. This is even more under the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu Renewed Hope Agenda. 

The Chief Commissioner, also known as the Chief Ombudsman, is the lead management member of the Public Complaints Commission. Since its establishment, there have been eight chief commissioners who, at various times, were appointed and saddled with the responsibility of overseeing the affairs of the Commission.

Foremost Nigerian Politician, Diplomat, and Elder Statesman, Alhaji Yusuf Matiama Sule, Danmasanin Kano, in 1976, became the Federal Commissioner of Public Complaints, a position that made him the nation’s pioneer Ombudsman. He served until 1979.

His successor was Mr. F.H. Brisibe, who was in the office between 1979 and 1981. Similarly, Mr. Canon H.O Mohammed served between 1981 and 1987; Justice J.H Dandaura served between the years 1987 and 1993.

In 1993, Mr. Jackson Edokpa, served as the chief commissioner, before leaving the office in 1999; Justice George Uloko, served as the chief commissioner, between the 2012 and 2015, before handing over to Chief Emmanuel Ogbile, who occupied the office until 2018.

In 2018, Hon. Chille Igbawua served as the chief commissioner of the Commission and was there until 2021, before Hon. Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf took the mantle of leadership to date.

According to Harry S. Truman, “Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skilful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.” This is the same as the 9th Chief Commissioner of the PCC, Hon Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf.

Since his assumption of office, he has stressed his commitment to putting the Public Complaints Commission on the pedestal of success and effective service delivery to Nigerians and residents in Nigeria.

He has, in every opportunity available, made known his desire to position the Commission for greater productivity and accomplishments. This is evident with some of his positive footprints and achievements.  

Chief Abimbola Ayo Yusuf has glanced through the lenses of learning for the future and its importance for the staff just like Peter Drucker said “We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. The most pressing task is to teach people how to learn”

Training and retraining for employees in every organization is important, as it improves the competencies and performance capabilities of the employees with the goal of achieving the strategic goals of the organisation.

Hon Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf has demonstrated by words and cations his commitment to staff periodic training and retraining to meet the global best practices. His tenure has witnessed the growth and development of staff in the area of service delivery and productivity. 

The various trainings have provided the environment for the employees, managers, leaders, and trainers to discuss emerging best practices in the workplace. They have equipped the staff with competencies that influence success in the local, regional, and global environments. These trainings have also empowered the staff of PCC to be creative and innovative, which has translated into enhanced service delivery to Nigerians and residents in Nigeria. 

These trainings have empowered the employees and teams to use the allocated resources to achieve the performance standards of the PCC, satisfactorily. They have provided a good framework for performance; for example, project work that ensures performance delivery within timeframes, budget, and scope. It has enabled the staff of PCC to understand and implement monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to achieve performance milestones. Staff Welfare, under his watch, has tremendously improved, along with induction of new capable hands to help in the discharge of duties and responsibilities.

This he has done by creating a positive and supportive working environment. 

Another achievement of the Hon Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf-led PCC is the engagement of key stakeholders in society. Stakeholders’ engagement is identifying the needs, problems, and expectation of the people in order to embed them in PCC’s strategy and developing a relationship based on trust and transparency.

With a clear vision and communication plan, the PCC, under the leadership of Hon Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf, has demonstrated the understanding of the people’s concerns, ideas, and thoughts.

It has also provided the platform and opportunities for the people to give feedback on the PCC.

For Hon Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf, listening to the stakeholders’ voice is crucial for the PCC, as it permits key partnership and collaboration.

The creation of the Complaints Lounge and Call Centre, by the PCC under the leadership of Hon Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf, can be said to be all about bringing the Commission closer to the people.

It is worthy of note that the PCC is dedicated to serving the public in the best possible means. Hence, the establishment of a Complaint Lounge popularly known as Call Centre. In delivering service to the people, the importance of the call centre shines brightly. Undeniably, call centres create valuable interactions that build, trust, and loyalty.

The PCC Call Centres plays a vital role in nurturing strong relationships. This is evidently demonstrated by Hon Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf. The establishment of the call centre portrays the vital connectors between the people and PCC. 

The headquarters of the PCC, in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), wears a new facelift. To create a conducive and befitting working environment, Hon Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf, on the assumption of office, promised to renovate the dilapidated structure standing as the Headquarters of the PCC.

For him, renovations and improvements are a great alternative to new construction. It allows for the creation of space, saving of energy, and preservation of heritage.

The renovated Headquarters building has brought about improved comfort for staff and improvement of indoor temperature. 

Hon Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf purchased a new building for the FCT office of the PCC. Commendable and worth it. This is a demonstration bringing the PCC to the grassroots for easy access by the people. 

There is the provision of a working tool. These include, but are not limited to, the purchase of utility vehicles to facilitate investigations and enhance movements from one place to another.

Hon Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf, as the Hon Chief Commissioner of the Public Complaints Commission, encourages timely arrival at venues. The provision of utility vehicles has, in every sense, improved the efficiency of the staff.

Campaigns, enlightenments, and sensitisation play a key role in shaping public opinions and perception. Sensitisation and awareness campaigns serve as information and education among the target audience about PCC and its activities.

The move by Hon Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf is a pointer to the realization of the pivotal roles of sensitization and awareness as a tool in fostering understanding and promoting engagements with development programmes. 

Having gone through many uninterrupted years of democratically elected government in Nigeria, since the handover by the military in 1999, the year 2023, provided Nigerians another opportunity to usher in new governmentsall levels. For the first time in its history, during the election that brought in the Renewed Hope administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the Nigeria Ombudsman, the PCC, was awarded an election observer status, giving the Commission under the leadership of Hon Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf, the pride as a key stakeholder in elections matter. This is a huge landmark. 

The wellness and fitness of organisation employees are key to productivity and effectiveness. The launch of the PCC Football Club (PCCFC) by Hon Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf signals the Commission’s effort in engaging youths meaningfully through sports. 

As part of his resolve to help discover talents within the Commission, the PCC FC, a first of its kind since the establishment of the Commission, will represent the commission in football matches anywhere, according to Hon Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf, as members are all staff of the Commission drawn from different departments. 

For Hon Abimbola Ayo-Yusuf, he has left his mark in the sands of time. His legacies speak volumes as the chief commissioner of the PCC. 

Truly, there is no gainsaying that there is a new face of PCC with renewed hope for Nigerians. 

A great leader’s courage to fulfil his vision comes from passion, not position, Chief Abimbola Ayo Yusuf has demonstrated such.  

Dakore Ekpendu writes from Abuja