‘Automatic foreign scholarships for Jigawa Quranic recitation winners’

By Muhammad Aliyu

Jigawa state Governor, Mohammed Badaru Abubakar, has pledged that his administration would give automatic foreign scholarships to two overall winners of this year’s state Quranic recitation competition.
They are Ustaz Yusuf Isah Chamo from Dutse local government and Malaama Fatima A. from Malam Madori local government all of the state.
Speaking while closing the competition yesterday, the governor  stated that his administration attached importance to Islamic education, particularly the study of glorious Quran, adding that it was what
made the state to live in peace.

He said his administration was ever ready to sponsor any student who excelled in his or her educational field of specialisation, adding that government “will soon pay debts of its foreign students.”
The governor decorated Malma Yusf Isah with traditional gown as the king of 2016 of Quran, with assistance of the Emir of Hadejia, Alhaji Abubakarmaje, while Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology, Hajiya Rabi Ishaq, and her counterpart in Women Affairs decorated the Malaama Fatima A.

Badaru donated the sum of N500, 000 to the winners, while his wife donated 30 textile materials, shadda, and 30 wrappers.
Executive secretary of the state Islamic Education Bureau, Ustaz Ababas Yakubu Abbas, said the winners got laptop computers, sewing machines, copies of Qurans, while others received Ipads and textile materials, adding that all the 340 participants received consolation prizes.
He said the state government spent well over N21million for the competition and thanked the governor for his single-handedly sponsoring the competition.