Atiku berates FG over Ganye – Jada road

By Muazu Abari

Former vice-president, Atiku Abubakar, has berated federal government for deliberately abandoning Ganye-Jada-Toungo road which was awarded during his time as former vice-president for political reasons.
Atiku stated this yesterday while addressing APC supporters at the flagging up of APC campaign rally in Toungo for October 11 governorship bye-election in Adamawa where he cautioned the people of the state and urged them to unite and kick PDP out not only in the forthcoming bye election, but in 2015 general election at all levels.

He said: “When I was vice president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, we
awarded this contract for the construction of this road from Mayo Belwa to Jada and linked with Ganye and Toungo, but immediately we left office the road was stopped subjecting people to untold hardship and grounded socio-economic activities in the affected areas that is not the kind of government you should vote to power again.”
He said the road had been the major linked and business nbetween Nigeria and Cameroon via Central Africa and would have been contributed a lot to the socio-economic development of Nigeria.

Atiku blasted the President Goodluck Jonathan administration for” his abysmal performances, incompetency and lack of vision to move Nigerian forward,” adding that the PDP “has failed woefully to justify the confidence deposed on them and only APC can salvage the country.”
He further accused the Jonathan-led administration of playing politics with the future of the youth, stressing that he “has nothing to offer them, but deceit.”
He further decried the “alarming rate of corruption and insecurity which have become hallmarks of the administration.”