At Azu Ishiekwene book unveiling: Tinubu committed to press freedom, protection of journalists – Idris

The federal government Wednesday reiterated its resolve to create an environment where journalists can work freely, without intimidation, and with the assurance that their rights will be acknowledged and protected.

Minister of Information and National Orientation Mohammed Idris said this during the launch of a book written by the Senior Vice Chairman and Editor-In-Chief of LEADERSHIP Media Group, Azu Ishiekwene, entitled ‘Writing for Media and Monetising It” in Abuja.

 Speaking at the event, Idris, who chaired the occasion, said Ishiekwene, as a writer, editor, administrator, publisher, a mentor and role model to many, had used the book to close the critical gap between practice and entrepreneurship in the media industry.

The minister said: “This initiative represents a meaningful way for the author to give back to the media industry by offering valuable guidance and support to the next generation of journalists. I share in the expectations ahead, that this effort will open up broader opportunities to complement the government’s current effort to invigorate and economically empower our creative and talented young citizens.

“As we celebrate this milestone, it is also important to reaffirm the commitment of the Tinubu administration to a free and responsible journalism. We understand that a society can only flourish when its media organs are free to report the truth without fear of retribution and to equally hold those in authority accountable.

 “The President Tinubu administration is therefore dedicated to creating an environment where journalists can work freely, without intimidation, and with the assurance that their rights will be acknowledged and protected.

“However, freedom comes with responsibility. As we champion the cause of a free press, it is incumbent on the media to exercise this freedom with a sense of duty, ethics and patriotism. It is crucial that the information disseminated to the public is accurate, balanced, and devoid of sensationalism.

“The role of the media in shaping public opinion and promoting national unity cannot be overstated. We must all strive to ensure that this role is played with the utmost responsibility while we work closely to advance the course of good governance in our country. Nevertheless, while Azu, the impeccable gentleman that he is, has helped us with a compass to materialise our creativity, it is also instructive that as media practitioners, we put ethics in the front row of our practice. We must be wary of fake news, misinformation and disinformation, indeed, new cankerworms that destroy individual and corporate reputation, and above all, destabilise the society.  

 “I want to buttress my point by saying that early on in my mandate as the nation’s Minister of Information and National Orientation, I had to first enunciate a set of five guiding principles that I and my team must abide in communicating government policies, which, on top of the pyramid, is to restore public trust in publication communication. I am ever glad I did that, because, ultimately, the crux of trust is unarguably the ability to sustain the truth at all times.

“I once again congratulate our distinguished author on this outstanding achievement and may your words continue to inspire, educate, and illuminate the path towards a better and a more prosperous society.”

…Significance of the events

Speaking further on the significance of what the author had achieved with the book  , Idris said: “First is the very act of writing the book; of taking the time to pen something that is destined to become an industry classic. A very valuable book that, as I have previously noted, seeks to close the critical gap between practice and entrepreneurship in the media industry. Also, a book that will benefit a very wide range of readers, young and old, freelance or full time.

“The second significant thing Azu has done is in assembling, for the launch of the book, this very stellar gathering of Nigerian Media’s Who-is-Who: veterans, publishers, media entrepreneurs, editors, academics, as well as the next generation.

“Azu has earned himself a reputation as a man of many parts in our industry. He has led large media organisations, has been active in industry bodies, at home and abroad, has been a founder, judged prestigious media competitions, and taught and trained generations of young practitioners.

“Amidst all of these, one fact cannot be missed: that at his very core, Azu sees himself as a writer; a man whose primary calling and first love is putting pen to paper, or finger to keyboard, and shaping public discourse in the most insightful and illuminating of ways.

“One gets the sense of a veteran who is happiest when faced with a blank page, waiting to be filled with words. He has done this for more than three decades, and we know he’s not retiring from the art and business of penmanship anytime soon.

“He has now done us the huge favour of distilling his great skill, talents and experience into 280 pages of valuable, monetizable advice. I am very glad about the enthusiastic reception that ‘Writing for Media and Monetizing It’ is getting, from a wide range of quarters. Stellar reviews and comments, from some of our most respected media practitioners. Equally impressive is the marketing for this book. 

“Azu is walking the talk by rolling out a very compelling marketing campaign that is taking full advantage of digital and social media, and leveraging e-commerce in very interesting ways. Indeed, the way Azu has creatively deployed the Internet for this new book is a testament to how well he has kept up with changing times and technologies, as well as solid proof of why anyone interested in the commercial side of writing should be paying serious attention to him.

“This is of course not his first book, and I’m sure there are still more to come. As we take part in this launch event, I enjoin all present here to very generously pick up copies for personal use, and as gifts to all the people we know who are interested in making a living from writing.

“Let us eagerly share the rich and deep wisdom of this very accomplished and respected colleague of ours, by making sure the book gets into as many hands as possible. Nigeria’s media industry truly needs many more practitioners who are able to marry technical excellence with commercial success – and here is Azu, eager and ready to show the way!”

He added: “Through your words, you have not only informed the public but have also inspired generations of journalists to uphold the highest standards of integrity and professionalism. Your work has been instrumental in fostering transparency, holding those in power accountable, and championing the rights and freedoms that are the bedrock of our democracy.

“In an era where information is both a powerful tool and a potent weapon, your dedication to truth and objectivity has set an exemplary standard for the media. You have shown that journalism is not merely about reporting events but about shaping narratives that reflect the values of our society – values of justice, fairness, and equality. We are constantly reminded by your footprints that a free press is the cornerstone of a vibrant democracy.

 “Indeed, documenting one’s ideas on how young, up-and-coming journalists can master the craft of writing skilfully, objectively and truthfully to derive financial benefits, is novel and highly commendable. It provides another avenue of financial empowerment for the media and career enthusiasts.”

 …LEADERSHIP Chairman speaks

Speaking earlier, the Chief Host and Chairman of LEADERSHIP Media Group, Zainab Nda-Isaiah, said, despite the immense contribution of journalists, writers, and columnists in shaping public opinion and driving change, many of them languished in penury, but expressed belief Ishiekwene’s book would  afford prospective readers, writers and columnists a veritable instrument that will propel them out of obscurity and penury.

 Mrs. Nda-Isaiah also acknowledged the author’s dedication to duty and his capacity to pay attention to details and qualities that have sharpened his craft, writing articles on diverse issues which helped to produce the book which she said, had become a game changer. 

“Writers and columnists are thought leaders, who offer great perspectives and challenge the status quo. Their words have the power to inspire change, spark debates and mobilize action, yet it is rather unfortunate that many columnists and writers the world over in my own personal word, are ‘broke’ for lack of a better word.

“I believe that it is this conundrum that brought the idea of writing this book in the offer. This book is a comprehensive guide that covers the entire process of writing.

 “This book is in a class of its own because it focuses on the craft of monetising the art of great writing. To achieve this, the author has shared insights, experience and real life accounts and from other renowned people in the industry,” she said.

…FCT Senator

Similarly, Senator representing the FCT, Ireti Heebah Kingibe, described Ishiekwene as a perfect example of what a media practitioner should be, adding that the author was doing his best to achieve the plans of the late founder of LEADERSHIP Newspapers, Sam Nda-Isaiah.

“Azu is a committed and brilliant writer. His columns are awaited every week, just like the late Sam Nda-Isaiah. Sam was a small man with big ideas. He was brilliant. We fought a lot because he put his eyes on everything. However, the fact is that he loved this country. Azu is the future of the media and I am glad with the way he is mentoring young people,” she said.

…Azu’s book will serve as guide to journalism teachers – Abati

Also speaking at the event,  the book reviewer, popular newspaper columnist and Arise TV anchor, Dr. Reuben Abati, said that the book will serve as a guide to teachers of journalism in tertiary institutions, students and scholars as it details practical example of the journalism profession beyond what is taught in the classrooms.

He said: “The title of Azu’s book is misleading. You will rush to pick and read it, thinking it is talking about making money. However, it shows you he knows his onus and that he is an unrivalled master in casting headlines. Journalism is not a money-making venture. Media owners are struggling to pay salaries, while journalists are struggling to survive. Therefore, journalism thrives through commitment. So, Azu’s book is more than that. He writes in fashion that is precise and captivating.

“The book has about 250 pages and 15 chapters. It does not capture the issue of ethics, which I consider an oversight. However, it is a book I have enjoyed very much. Many of the teachers in universities and polytechnics don’t know anything about journalism beyond the classrooms, they just quote dead theories and then send students to media houses where they are trained and retrained on the practical aspects. Journalism should be taught by those in the profession.

“The book has a lot of information on how to stay on the right side of the law. Only three chapters deal on how to make money. The predicted death of the newspaper has not occurred. What has occurred is the change of practice. As Francis Bacon said, reading maketh a man. Azu has made that prominent with this book, but without showing off.”

Blueprint reports that the book launch had in attendance many senior journalists, writers, public relations practitioners, businessmen and politicians, including Minister of Aviation, Festus Keyamo, SAN, Special Adviser to the President on Information, Bayo Onanuga, publisher of Vanguard newspapers, Sam Amuka Pemu, former presidential spokespersons, Malam Garba Shehu and Femi Adesinaamong others.