Assessing NSCDC CG Audi, two years after

“Touch not my anointed, do my prophet no harm” (Psalm 105 V 15)

The appointment of Dr. Ahmed Abubakar Audi as the Commandant General, Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) in February 2021, was destined by God Almighty.

Although the entrance to the top echelon of the paramilitary agency by Dr. Audi was not an easy task, many have narrowed it to Bible quotation in Psalm 105 V15 which says, Touch not my anointed, and do my prophet no harm.

Dr. Audi, being an intellectual officer, with proven integrity, coupled with hardwork, dedication and a mentor to many others, is seen as an anointed son, who passed through several hurdles, but was rescued and sustained by his creator.

This was evident during the interview process to appoint or select a new CG to succeed the out gone Commandant General, 

Abdullahi Gana Muhammadu.

Several senior officers were lined up, among them was Dr. Ahmed Abubakar Audi, who scaled through and was subsequently selected, based on his antecedents,  credentials and excellent performance.

He was announced in February 2021, by  President  Muhammadu Buhari as the third substantive commandant general, NSCDC. He served first, as corps volunteer for years, captured as regular staff, and had served in different capacities in the corps for over 26 years. He was captured as a regular officer of NSCDC in 1996.

Dr. Ahmed Abubakar Audi, on assumption of office as commandant general in February 2021, came with the zeal to rejig, rejuvenate, reinvigorate, and reposition the corps.

He, immediately, prioritised intelligence gathering as the best approach towards curbing the multifaceted security situation in the country.

With this, he introduced Commandant General’s Special Intelligence Squad which has helped enormously in intelligence gathering.

The intelligence gathering has helped in so many ways, as it aborted the plans of bandits, reduced the incident of school students kidnapping. The CG’s Special intelligence Squad brought the idea to launch what is today known as “Safe School Campaign”.  This is a policy directive aimed at sensitising school children and management on proactive security measures.

The Safe School Campaign has put a final stop to kidnapping of school children across the country as all the state commands keyed into the scheme. Apart from safeguarding students in their various schools, they were also sensitised on the need to avoid taking alcohol, drug abuse, and other harmful substances.

He further deemed it necessary to introduce and conduct a psychological assessment of officers and men of the corps to determine their fitness in carrying out specific tasks. The gain of this exercise cannot be over emphasised as many security personnel have turned themselves to a nuisance and embarrassment to the corps and the society at large. 

As a highly committed, intelligent and disciplined officer, Dr Audi, who considers human beings as one entity, gave approval for the establishment of people living with disabilities desks nation wide, just as he reiterated the corps’ commitment to rally round people with disabilities.

Audi, at different times, approved the issuance of operational licenses to new private security guard companies. This will help to combat all forms of criminals in the country, just as he equally ensured that the National School Security and Emergency Response Centre is actualised.

Since assumption of office, the commandant general has intensified the war against oil thieves across the country, especially oil producing states. Several of oil thieves were arrested, charged to court and sentenced to serve as deterrent to other criminal minded persons.

He also ensurey that the newly established Crack Squad achieves its objective in response to distress calls. This has afforded people the opportunity to make urgent calls while in difficult situation, such as armed robbery, kidnapping and any other form of criminalities.

He has already laid a foundation/ground breaking ceremony of the NSCDC Cooperative House which will be located at the NSCDC National Headquarters, Abuja. 

He approved a three-day workshop on Media Pacesetting known as Strategic Communication (STRACOMM) conference for all NSCDC public relations officers, and their commandants across the 36 states and FCT.

The conference greatly helped to align officers to understand in-depth analysis of communication strategy.

The conference, being the first of its kind since the establishment of NSCDC, has impacted greatly on all public relations officers across the states, especially during the 2023 general elections

Furthermore, following the need to ensure good welfare package for officers and men of the corps, CG Audi initiated the plans to establish a micro finance bank which would assist to provide loans and other welfare package to officers who are in dire need.

He ensured prompt payment of retirement benefits to officers and men of the corps, compensated next of kin of officers who lost their lives in the course of defending the defenseless and providing succour to the immediate families.

He had already established a synergy between the corps and other security agencies, including ministries and parastatals across the federation.

As a professional, who would not condone any form of indiscipline, Dr. Audi has on several occasions warned officers and men of the corps against illegal activities, just as erring officers are made to face disciplinary action.

Over 31 officers had face disciplinary action for gross misconduct.

Following his track records of successes, Dr. Audi was in November, 2022 honoured with the National Honour of Order of the Federal Republic by the President Muhammadu Buhari, an award he dedicated to all officers of the corps whom he believed were the brains behind all his successes

“I dedicate this honour first to God Almighty, and to all well-meaning Nigerians, and my gallant officers and men across the country who have made this achievement possible,” Dr. Audi said.

He was also given a leadership award by the Leadership newspapers during its 14th Edition of Leadership Annual Conference held in Abuja in 2022. These were in addition to several professional nerit awards.

Dr. Ahmed Abubakar Audi has delivered and will continue to deliver the mandate bestowed on him, as the commandant general, NSCDC. 

Sir, your two years as CG has afforded Nigerians and officers and men of the corps the opportunity to see lots of improvement, innovations and several positive changes you brought to the corps. 

May God continue to protect, guard, guide and direct you as you pilot the affairs of the corps. We will surely reach our destination.

Congratulations, sir.

Gabriel writes from Kaduna.