As Nasiru Bodinga empowers constituents in Sokoto…

Democracy is the government of the people, for the people and by the people. This is globally accepted definition of democracy. It is also the vastly accepted system of government across the world. Any other form of leadership is, therefore, vehemently rejected.

It is certainly unarguable that democracy brings development to nation and societies as under it, the electorate entrust their mandates to their elected representatives who are in turn expected to hold them in trust.

This means that they should exercise such mandates diligently, piously, transparently and honestly. This should aptly translate to the routine provision of the direly needed dividends of democracy to their constituents and/or electorate who braved all the odds and trooped to the various polling centres to cast their votes for them.

Nigeria has happily remained on the democratic trajectory since 1999, defying the hitherto occasional incursions by the military into the nation’s democratic landscape.

It is therefore heartwarming that there have been steady successful civilian-to- civilian democratic transitions in the country from 1999 to date.

In this direction, the just- concluded 2023 general electrons had produced a brand new set of democratically elected leaders at all levels in the country who have since swung into action, with a view to discharging their mandates.

This means that the electorate are bound to reap more dividends of democracy to the citizenry, hence better their lots and alleviate their suffering. This will certainly bolster their confidence in democracy, the political parties and flag bearers.

The 2023 elections had therefore produced one of such indefatigable, courageous and patriotic leaders in the person of Hon Nasiru Shehu Bodinga, popularly known as Bobo. He represents Bodinga/Dange-Shuni/Tureta federal constituency in the House of Representatives on the platform of the ruling APC.

Alhaji Bodinga is not however a new comer to public service. The consummate, prolific and dogged technocrat-cum- business tycoon has been involved in the affairs of diligently and sustainably assisting the indigent members of the society in various ways. So, his election provided a much higher pedestal to sustain the happy tempo.

It was therefore not surprising when barely three weeks after his inauguration in Abuja, Honourable Bodinga donated his widow’s mite to his constituents. Indeed, on that historic day, all roads led to Bodinga town, the headquarters of Bodinga loca government area of Sokoto state to be part of history.

it was on that epochal day that Nasiru Shehu Bodinga doled out vehicles, motorcycles, cash to his constituents as a mark of honour and appreciation for electing him into the exalted House of Representatives. The unparalleled gesture was his humble way of showing gratitude to the Almighty Allah and his constituents for his victory at the 2023 polls.

The items distributed included 43 motorcycles to the leaders and members of the party in the three local governments; a vehicle was given to each of the APC chairmen in the three local governments, as well as to the women leader in Sokoto South senatorial district. Similarly, N500,000 was doled out to each of the women leaders in the three local governments, among others.
Speaking at the event, Gov Ahmed Aliyu of Sokoto state described the gesture by Bodinga as unparalleled and worthy of emulation. He challenged other national and state legislators to follow suit, with a view to further alleviating the suffering of the people.

Aliyu reiterated his commitment to religiously implement his nine-point agenda unveiled during his campaigns. The governor vowed that his administration would continue to reel out myriad of plausible programnes and policies to provide dividends of democracy to the people of the state.
According to him, his administration remains resolute in fulfilling all his campaign promises, saying, “I know all these promises and we have already swung into action to redeem them.”

Speaking at the event, the guest of honour and leader of the party in the state, Sen Aliyu Magatakarda Wammako (Sarkin Yamman Sokoto, lauded the bold move by the lawmaker just few days after assuming duty.

Wamakko, a former governor of the state, who represents Sokoto North on APC platform, urged other lawmakers to take a cue from Nasiru Shehu, with a view to assisting the less privileged members of the society.

He said: “We should all do more to assist the masses to ameliorate their suffering as this is the essence of democracy and leadership. We all have to do this passionately as the people are in dire need of help.”

Chairman of the occasion and former minister of police affairs, Alhaji Muhammadu Maigari Dingyadi (Katukan Sokoto) also commended the lawmaker for the gesture.

Dingyadi said that it would go a long way in alleviating the travails of the beneficiaries, urging other elected and appointed officials to emulate him.
Other speakers at the event included the speaker of the state assembly, Rt Hon Tukur Bala Bodinga, state APC chairman, Alhaji Isa Sadiq Achida and that of Bodinga local government, among others. They all lauded Nasiru Shehu Bodinga for his fast move to come to the aid of his constituents.

A cross section of the beneficiaries commended Bobo for the gesture and urged other lawmakers to emulate him.

In his speech, the donor, Nasiru Shehu Bodinga (Bobo), said that that the event was to appreciate his constituents for reposing tremendous confidence on him by electing him.

He promised never to fail his constituents, his party and its leadership in the state.

Bodinga also promised to provide quality representation, with a view to attracting collosal development to his constituency, the state and Nigeria in general.

Indeed, the people of Bodinga/Dange-Shuni/Tureta federal constituency cannot be luckier than having a man of the people, a man of his words, representing them in the green chamber.

The reliable, tested and trusted legislator is certainly the most qualified to represent them so as to continue dishing out more dividends of democracy to the constituents who have made the right choice by voting for him.

Mani, a journalist, writes from Area 1, Abuja.