APC to Zamfara governor: Tackle bandits, leave Matawalle alone

The North-west Zonal office of the All Progressives Congress (APC), has tasked Governor Dauda Lawal of Zamfara state to concentrate on the security challenges bedeviling his state, rather than dissipating energy at dragging the name of his predecessor, Mohammed Bello Matawalle in the mud.

The North-west APC in a statement signed by the National Vice Chairman in charge of the Zone, Hon. Garba Muhammad Datti said the greatest achievement of the PDP’s Dauda Lawal administration in Zamfara state since its inception, is painting Matawalle black at all times.

“The All Progressives Congress (APC) North-west zone, wishes to express its dismay and disgust over the conduct of PDP government in Zamfara state on matters relating to the immediate past Governor of the state and current Minister of State Defence, Hon. Bello Muhammad Matawalle.

“APC North-west is aware that, since 29th May 2023 when Matawalle left office as the Executive Governor, the new administration of Dauda Lawal made it its primary role to drag Matawalle’s name in the mud at all costs; instead of facing the ugly security challenges that hold the state to a stand still. The APC North-west viewed the protest staged by some hoodlums parading as civil society groups sponsored by the state at the National Assembly to demand for the removal of Matawalle from the Federal Executive Council as not only mendacious, but a futile exercise.

“APC therefore, condemned in totality such show of shame by the so called civil society groups. President Bola Ahmed Tinubu as a core politician, understands very well that whenever an opposition party asked you to disown one of your own, certainly that person pose a threat to everything they stand for.

“APC believed that the President knows Matawalle’s political value and pedigree which earned him the North-west Campaign Coordinator for 2023 presidential elections. His immense contribution resulted in the region polling the highest number of votes that gave our party the edge we needed to clinch the presidency with relative ease. Matawalle was the Chairman, House Committee on Security, Public Safety and Intelligence between 2011- 2015. Mr President therefore knows his worth and capacity, that is why he nominated him for ministerial position.

“APC North-west insists that Matawalle’s integrity and patriotism in the eyes of whoever knows him closely stood out for him even when Dauda’s government sponsored hoodlums with placards protested at EFCC headquarters that Matawalle must be investigated to prevent him from making the ministerial list. Most press releases from the state government house Gusau were strategically drafted to cast aspersions on the person of Bello Matawalle.

“All allegations made on Matawalle by the PDP government in Zamfara that he has tie with bandits is just to score cheap political points. They should have known even in their wildest imagination that like any other ministerial nominee, Matawalle went through rigorous security scrutiny before being screened and confirmed by the Senate to be appointed as a minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,” APC said.