APC to Kwankwaso: We never denied you access to Eagle Square

The ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) has cleared the air on the decision of the management of Eagle Square, a public square in Abuja, to deny Senator Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso the use of the facility to declare his presidential ambition.
The facility managers had denied Kwankwaso’s request to use the venue despite initially granting approval.
The Eagle Square management said their U-turn was because they relalised the politician had sought to use the venue on a ‘work day’.
This is despite the fact that several other politicians, including President Muhammadu Buhari had been allowed to use the venue for political events on work days without any problems.
Kwankwaso, a former Kano governor, who recently defected to the PDP from the APC, had planned to use the venue for his official presidential declaration.
He later moved the declaration to a private hotel in Abuja.
Many Nigerians including Kwankwaso’s supporters believe he was denied the use of the venue for political reasons.
The APC, in a statement by its spokesperson, Yekini Nabena, however said it is not to blame.
“We frown at mischievous attempts in some quarters to blame the All Progressives Congress (APC) for the inability of a Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) presidential contestant to secure the Eagles Square for his declaration,” Nabena said.
“The party read in the media reasons given by the facility managers of the Abuja International Conference Centre and Eagles Square not to allow campaigns in its facility on Wednesday to avoid disruption of work flow at the federal secretariat, the main hub of civil servants in Abuja.
Hence the allegation is unnecessary and misplaced.
We should not be dragged into a private transaction involving entities we have no business with.
“In any case, the 2019 elections will not be won by cheap campaign ground antics but actual votes from the Nigerian electorate who are wise and know who is working in their interest.
Never again will we return governance of our dear country to the hands of those that selfishly have held us back for years.”