APC Chairmanship: Southern APC women leaders back Yari

As the race for who takes over the mantle of leadership as the national chairman of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) continues, women leaders in the Party from the Southern region of the country have thrown their weight behind the candidacy of former governor of Zamfara state, Dr. Abdulaziz Yari, saying he stands tall among other contestants especially with his track record of championing youth inclusiveness in the political arena.

This is even as the women under the aegis of Progressive Renaissance Women Organisation (PRWO) said Dr. Yari has the experiential capacity to lead the party to retaining power in 2023 not just as a former member of House of Representatives but as a two-time governor of the mineral resources rich state and former leader of the defunct ANPP which later merged with other legacy Parties to become the ruling APC.

At a rally which took place at Old Parade Ground in Abuja on Tuesday, PRWO comprising ward, local government and state women leaders from across the 17 States of South South, South East and South West geopolitical zones said Yari represents a special breed of women friendly leader who throughout his eight years as governor ensured a legacy of women empowerment, youth participation in governance as well as improved environment for business and commercial activities.

Addressing newsmen shortly after the rally, the National Coordinator PRWO, Chief Mrs. Njideka Amadi from Abia state emphasised that women are truly concerned about the pedigree, humility, tolerance, national acceptance, experience and leadership prowess of who will preside over the affairs of the party after its national convention scheduled to take place later this month.

According to Amadi, the future of the party rests on its choice of leadership recruitment, stating that Dr. Abdulaziz Yari’s antecedents where he has remained consistent in his exhibition of sense of nationalism and managerial capacity makes him a candidate of choice for the number one office in APC.

“When we are campaigning to retain power in 2023, it begins with our choice of party leaders and when you are talking about an individual who has demonstrated capacity to manage effectively human and material resources among those jostling to lead our great party the APC, His Excellency Dr. Abdulaziz Yari comes to mind. It is on record that in his eight years of holding sway as the helmsman in Zamfara, the state witnessed a steady economic boom, which created several women entrepreneurs, the people lived in peace and harmony with their fellow citizens from other parts of the country.

“Again, he is a leader that has mastered the game of politics. He knows how to handle seemingly complex political situations and that was how he ensured that our great party, the APC was visibly dominant in his state till the unmitigated interest of some individuals caused the incident of 2019. To dismantle the relentless antics of the opposition, we need a man in stature, status and doggedness of Yari.

“We the Southern stakeholders of the APC are interested in the credentials of who will usher our party into 2023 and beyond, we have looked at other candidates, we have consulted and in unison, we have chosen the man who in his decades in political arena has transversed between the Executive and Legislative Arms of government. This is in addition to him being a former State Secretary and later State Chairman of the defunct ANPP.

“His Excellency, Abdulaziz Yari’s popularity across the country is never in doubt. He is a nationalist as against regional and ethnic champion. The party needs a unifier, man of unscathed integrity, purpose and passion. These and many more we find in him and the mammoth crowd of women leaders you are seeing here today have spoken in unison,” she stated.

Also in her remarks, Dr. Mrs. Bridget Ekhator, National Secretary of PRWO maintained that the party must avoid the pressure of handing over its machinery to those without proven track record of leadership dexterity.

She noted that the choice made by the party at this time will go a long way in deciding its future.