AOOYA endorses lawmaker for continuity

A group, Ankpa-Omala-Olamaboro Youth Assembly (AOOYA), has endorsed Hon Mohammed Ibro to continue his legislative mandate, giving his track record and ‘deepening of experience’ as factors to be considered.

A statement by the group’s coordinator, Mr. Musa Wada, said the presence of Ibro in the House had given them a sense of business unusual, adding that he had continued to show a conscious sense of obligation to the well being of his people “through the facilitation of constituency projects, direct personal impacts and democratic commitments through empathy with the constituents and grass roots consultation.”
While applauding his commitment to his constituents, the group noted that given his antecedent records so far, “we are persuaded to see him as a dependable congressman for our aspirations.”

The group said in that statement that: “We find it pertinent to urge his detractors to let off their eyes the scales of vengeance and cynicism that democracy may thrive.
“We find it noteworthy to state that at no other time in the history of our land has democratic dividends accrued to us as we witness today. There have been two previous occupants of the position before Mohammed, but other than their noticeable crass living styles, nothing reminded us that we had people representing us.”

It noted that frequent changes of congressmen had been the bane of their constituency, saying that every new person elected had had to learn afresh “while his constituents wallow in neglect and deprivation.”