Al-Makura matching words with diligent representation

It was a moment of sober reflection as the immediate past governor of Nasarawa state now Senator Tanko Al-Makura took time to show what quality representation is all about. MOHAMMED YANGIDA writes on his exploits at the upper chamber in less than a year.

 Citizens of Nasarawa state, particularly those from the southern senatorial zone have since come to terms with the reality that the covenant they had with Senator Umaru Al-Makura at the 2019 polls is not a loss given the giant strides he has put up since his emergence as their senator in less than one year.

Political pundits and Al-Makura’s supporters alike are of the opinions that he remains the best performing and friendly governor the state has ever produced, considering his humility and sense of responsibility in prompt response to calls and text messages put through to his telephone not minding one’s status and social inclination.According to the pundits, Al-Makura’s type is hardly found anywhere. He was accessible during his eight years in office as governor and visible even after the electoral victory that took him to the upper legislative chamber.

Although, it is possible that his eight years as governor of the state has the good and bad side depending on how anyone perceives it.

He is a friend of the press

Even practising journalists in the state who are the mirror of the society attest to the fact that Al-Makura remains the best governor the state ever produced. This is borne out of his regular interface with them and his unique way of appreciating them.

For example, a journalist in the state who preferred to be anonymous for obvious reason said, “In terms of advert placement, Al-Makura would ensure that he rewards hard working journalists by way of giving adverts directly to reporters.”

They however said the reverse is the case in the current dispensation where journalists now see adverts in their papers without their knowledge even after negotiating the advert rate with them.A cross-section of journalists say the Al-Makura administration ensured that any government official involved in boycotting diligent reporters for advert placement does not go unpunished.

Interestingly, Al-Makura still has loyalists in the current dispensation of Governor Abdullahi Sule’s government, an indication that the seed his government planted had not only germinated but bearing fruits.

The doctoral award

To add to his cap, just recently, the Federal University Lafia honoured him with a Doctorate degree. Many are of the views that Al-Makura’s leadership qualities are the motivational factor that earned him the deserved honour.

Conferring the award, the vice chancellor of the university, Professor Sanusi Muhammed Laiman, said the former governor was chosen for his immeasurable and outstanding performances in infrastructural and education development while he was the governor.

“We cannot thank him enough for all that he done for our university to grow while he was the governor. Al-Makura gave his full support and did everything possible to ensure the smooth take-off of this university.”

Narrative of poor representation overBlueprint investigation shows that in Nasarawa, majority of the people believe that his emergence as senator has brought to an end the era of poor representation.

The argument is that former representatives from the zone wasted the opportunities without any tangible results as zero projects were recorded in 12 years.

They however said Al-Makura has come to change the narrative with many policies and programmes to uplift substantial number of people in the zone out of poverty.His revolutionary imprints is noticed in the state through women and youths empowerment, scholarships particularly to people living with disabilities who enjoy different form of sponsorship, renovation of schools, economic empowerment, among others interventions.

His pact with the people

Al-Makura promised to live up to his responsibilities by attracting federal projects in all areas of infrastructure and services to be spread in all the five local government areas. Interestingly, this is beginning to manifest.

“I assured my people that I would impact on their lives as much as a senator like I did during my tenure as a governor; that is why I went ahead and set up machineries to identify other priority needs of people in the state particularly those from the southern zone with the view to addressing them.

“Even though the primary duty of a legislator is to make laws for the well-being of the people, I find it duty-bound to also contribute my quota in alleviating poverty among the people of my zone,” he said.

His empowerment programmes

For example, on December 29, 2019, Al-Makura in his wisdom distributed 105 items to the vulnerable members of his constituency including grinding machines and power generator sets, among other economic enhancement tools.

The beneficiaries were drawn from Lafia, Doma, Obi, Keana and Awe local government areas that make up Nasarawa South Senatorial District.

He said the best form of empowerment is not cash and food but providing them with items that would enable them earn a living.According to him, “The grinding mills would go a long way to help the women beneficiaries while the generating sets would help the youths in the areas of their specialisation such as barbing and trades.

He explained further that he would roll-out various empowerment programmes with direct bearing on indigent members in his senatorial district to tackle poverty and restiveness.

“I don’t know how to lie, deceive people and make false promises; what I have done now is in line with my campaign promises to my people. We would continue to build capacities and create the necessary platforms for people to develop themselves because I know how they worked for my election.

He said the second intervention would be the renovation of classroom blocks in Kwandare and Kanje and boreholes in different communities of the senatorial zone.Also on Saturday, March 1 2020, the senator made the third tranche of power generating sets to 120 second and third class chiefs in the zone in order to improve their respective domains.He maintained that as part of his achievements in nine months, he empowered 105 vulnerable persons, 120 second and third class traditional rulers including those that got scholarships in various ways.

He maintained that his achievements, so far, were evident of what the zone stands to gain by electing him to represent the zone, even as he promised to continue to provide qualitative representation which he said is borne out of a deep and passionate consideration directed at cushioning the challenges of inadequate power supply to the traditional rulers.

“You know too well what role our traditional rulers play in areas of security, peace and stability including information dissemination. I feel that appreciating them should not be done only during campaign period, but we can appreciate them at a time like this when there are no serious political activities.”By next week, 2000 people would be given economic empowerment where each of the beneficiaries would benefit from 10,000 naira grant each.

On his part, an ex-law maker, Senator Suleiman Adokwe, said no senator from the state who had served in the past or presently serving has achieved what has achieved within a short period.He attributed what happened to his exit from the Senate as the will of God, saying he was satisfied, while urging Nasarawa citizens especially those from the southern zone to continue to support Al-Makura to succeed for the good of all.”God has been very kind to me for granting me the opportunity to serve for 12 years, but my time is cut off now. It is another person’s time and I accepted it in good faith; so let’s support Umaru Al-Makura so that he can also succeed for the good of all and for the overall development of our state,” he said this in one of his visits to the Emir of Lafia, Sidi Bage.The Emir commended Senator Adokwe for the maturity he exhibited and called for more cooperation and understanding among citizens in the state.

“I am so overwhelmed by your visit and the maturity you shown to me today; you have proved that we are one family and would continue to remain as one for the interest of our state and our nation. May God continue to guide and protect you wherever you,” he told him.