Again, ASUU lecturers declare fresh strike

Members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities, (ASUU), Plateau State University Chapter have resumed an indefinite strike over the inability of the State government to meet the agreement signed with the Union in 2022.

In a statement issued on Thursday and signed by Dr Hassan Zitta and Comrade Deme Bitrus, the Chairman and Secretary respectively, the Association said the strike is total, comprehensive and indefinite.

The statement said, “Following the report of the National Executive Council visitation team it was established that the State government has failed to implement the second agreement signed in 2022 with the Union. The ASUU National President granted the Branch her request to resume its suspended strike.

“The branch held its Congress meeting today Thursday 9th of November 2023, and declared a total, comprehensive and indefinite strike until all the issues in contention are resolved. The issues include Inadequate capital projects by the State government, provision of additional hostel accommodation, tarring and completion of the road network on campus and provision of staff quarters.

“Other is the completion of parameter fencing of the University, ensuring a functional training policy with budgetary allocation for the training of scholars by the Visitor, provision of a functional Police outpost in the University’s host community, deployment of the services of 15 armed Civil Defence Corps on campus and the payment of outstanding Earned Academic Allowances and other issues affecting productivity in the University…”