Again, Alake harps on value addition as condition for mining licence

The Minister of Solid Minerals Development, Dr Dele Alake, has affirmed the resolve of the federal government to foreclose the acquisition of mining licenses by prospective investors without requisite plans for local value addition.

He stated this while playing host to members of the House of Representatives Committee on Solid Minerals who were on oversight visit to the ministry.

Alake applauded the lawmakers for their support in repositioning the mining sector, stressing that changing the economic fortunes of Nigeria is a joint task by both the executive and legislature. 

He used the occasion to assure the legislators of the significant contributions of sub-nationals to mining development, stressing that state chairmen of Mineral Resources and Environmental Management Committee (MIREMCO) and five members of the committee are nominated by state governments. 

“The importance of this committee cannot be overstated because whether we like it or not, we are at the cusp of history and it does beckon on us individually and collectively whether as executive or legislature to change the paradigm of Nigeria’s economic fortunes because we have to diversify our economy away from the mono-cultural dependency on oil. Again, that underscores the significance of this committee because of the importance of the ministry in that regard. That is why I view your visit here today with all sense of proprietary, responsibility, and appreciation of the oversight functions that you are saddled with.

“We welcome you and believe that from the type of comradeship that I have personally enjoyed with the committee and the leadership, I have no doubt in my mind that what the executive of this ministry needs to forge ahead to achieve its stated objectives in terms of logistics support, legislative framework crafting is assured. it gives me great confidence that when you have members of a committee that understand the issues at stake, understand the problems that the ministry faces and know how to give the necessary back-up, then we in the executive will have no excuse for failure. We can only forge ahead,” he said.

Highlighting the renewed interest of the international community in Nigeria’s mineral resources, Alake said his 7-point agenda has put the mining sector on the global front burner since his assumption of office.

“With the support of the permanent secretary, management and the House committee, we have been able to project the sector globally and the result of our efforts culminated in my election as chairman of Africa Minerals Strategy Group (AMSG) on the sidelines of the Future Minerals Forum (FMF) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia based on our 7-point agenda which was applauded by all and sundry.”

He said with the pact that led to the formation of the AMSG, there is now unity of purpose on the African continent on the issue of local value addition.

The committee chairman, Hon Gaza Gbefwi, stated that the House, in fulfilling its constitutional responsibility of oversight, paid a visit to the ministry to ensure that the executive is doing what it is supposed to do for citizens to get maximum beneficiation from the mining sector.