Address drugs to eliminate crimes – NDLEA 

The National Drugs Law and Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), weekend said there is strong correlation between drugs and violent crimes because the use of illicit drug enables criminals to acquire boldness and recklessness for their operations.

“Recently, a young drug addict around Koko area in Kebbi dumped his mother inside a well and later began to inquire of her whereabouts,” he said.

This is the submission of the Commander NDLEA, Kebbi state command, Usman Suleiman in Birnin Kebbi, Wednesday, in an address at a lecture in continuation of the commemoration of the United Nations Day Against Drug Abuse and Trafficking.

“The use of drugs also diminishes the conscience of criminals, takes away rational and logical reasoning, kills passion and compassion, makes them fearless, lawless and reckless as exemplified by the activities of political thugs, armed robbers, kidnappers, bandits, cultists, terrorists, militants and prostitutes,” the commander complained bitterly.

Suleiman made it clear that tackling drug abuse and trafficking was most obligatory to stem down the rate of criminality and other social vices wrecking havoc on Nigeria and her citizens. 

“NDLEA in Kebbi has succeeded in destroying drug joints in the capital, Birnin Kebbi and environs and many drug dealers who bring in different kinds of drugs from neighbouring states and countries have been apprehended. 

“Border sharing with one of the countries designated as drug hub in West Africa makes Kebbi state highly vulnerable as most of the drug activities in the state are attributable to this factor,”  he announced. 

Substances commonly abused in Kebbi state, according to the commander, are Tramadol, Codeine, Benzodiazepines, Exol 5, methylamphetamine (met, ice), Kurkura (herbal mixture) and the most worrisome, Pentazocine injection, coupled with the mighty Cannabis and Shisha mixed with cannabis and tramadol. 

The commander requested the Kebbi state government to resuscitate the State Drug Control Committee and make it effective in line with the requirements of the National Drug Control Master Plan to sharpen the war against drug abuse.

 The chairman of the occasion, the Commissioner for Works, Transport, Umar Faruq Muslim, stated the importance and necessity to wipe out drug abuse in the society without which the nation could not attain greatness.

“Issues of drug abuse and trafficking are disturbing to everybody and the population cannot be agile with drug abuse. All hands must be on deck by involving the government, parents, teachers, lecturers and stakeholders to surmount the problem,” he said.