Imo lawmaker advocates gender equity in governance

A member representing Isu constituency in the Imo House of Assembly, Mrs Ngozi Obiefule, has called for gender equity in governance at all levels.

Obiefule made the call while speaking during   the activities marking the ninth Assembly’s 100 days in office in Owerri Thursday.

The lawmaker, who is also the Chairman, House Committee on Culture and Tourism as well as Vice Chairman, Trade and Investment said that women deserved fair share of the gains of “political adventures.“

She described as frustrating, the relegation of women to the background after elections, in spite of the large number of votes they cast to aid winners of elections at various levels.

“It is particularly frustrating that, here, we have just two out of 27 legislators and just two out of 17 commissioners. It is no indictment on the men but the figures give no kudos to our governance.

“We have the numbers on Election Day but when it comes to sharing the spoils of political war, so to speak, we are relegated to the background.

“I think we should be able to imitate countries such as Rwanda, Botswana and South Africa, where we have about 60 per cent of legislators as women,” she said.

Obiefule called on women at all levels of politics to remain committed to the discharge of their constitutional responsibilities, in order to have results to show for the trust bestowed on them.

“We, the women, must however remain committed and always have something to show for being here.

“In the last 100 days, I have been able to raise six motions, prominent among which is the sustenance of the free education policy. I also have one bill on the floor of the House with three others to come when we resume.

“There are also the spelling bee and football competitions for primary schools and free medical care for women and children in my constituency,” she said.
