Bayelsa to end payroll fraud, ghost workers through SIFMIS

The Bayelsa state Government has adopted a new financial management and automated system known as the State Integrated Financial Management System (SIFMIS) to end the serial conduct of workers verification exercises, payroll fraud and ghost workers issues in the state civil service.

The new system, which was initiated in 2017 and financed under the State Employment and Expenditure for Results project (SEEFOR) in partnership with the World Bank and European Union, is expected to integrate Financial Reporting to provide single source for all financial management date and increase accuracy and timeliness of financial reports.

The Project Consultant, Evelyn Balogun, while speaking Tuesday in Yenagoa during the presentation on the workings of the system to the Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Barr. Kemela Okara, highlighted that the system will improve government’s liquidity management, fiscal control and decision making processes.

According to her, ” the new system will lead to process improvement and automation. It will improve planning and budgeting and increase control on budgetary expenditure and strict adherence to budget. It will also support transitioning to IPSAS accrual Accounting, capacity building and provide a stable and secure IT infrastructure. “

Also speaking, the Project Manager Mrs. Bomote Zacheaus, said the process is a realisation of data procured from various verification of the state workforce, “it is a realisation of data procured by the State into electronic data. It will definitely eliminate cases of ghost workers and payroll fraud. It is now very difficult for any accountant to manipulate data and figures in the new system. “

The SEEFOR Coordinator in Bayelsa, Mr. Ayens Adogu, said though the state is already known for transparency in management of State fund, the new system being adopted will improve public management with improved technology, ” Bayless will be rated higher when the system is fully implemented. It is will make our data readily available. “

Earlier, the Secretary to the State Government (SSG),  Barr. Kemela Okara, commended the adoption of the new financial automated system insisting that the adoption of technology into the state financial management system showed the zeal with which the State Governor, Hon.Seriake Dickson attached to management of state resources and human capital.

According to Okara, “today, technology is the chief driver of management processes and any organisation that wants to succeed must embrace new technology that will make a difference in output, block wastage and detect fraud. It is a game changer in the business of managing people and resources. “