Alleged diversion of Military funds: PDP alerts INTERPOL, EFCC, DSS; demands probe

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Presidential Campaign Organization (PPCO) has called for urgent investigation into the allegedly diverted military funds and the N1.032 trillion said to have been used by President Muhammadu Buhari’s family members for corrupt acquisition in 9 Mobile Nigeria and Keystone Bank PLC. 

PPCO Director Media and Publicity, Kola Ologbondiyan who made call while briefing journalists in Abuja on Wednesday insisted that there is need  for an independent and system-wide investigation by the INTERPOL, Directorate of State Services (DSS), and the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) on the alleged links between the two funds. 

According to Ologbondiyan, “this concerted investigation has become imperative following President Buhari’s failure to directly speak out on the allegations against his family members, as well as explain how they came about the sum of N1.032 trillion for the alleged acquisition.

 He explained that the party’s demand was in view of public insinuations that the money may have been sourced from funds meant for the purchase of weapons for our soldiers. 

He also attributed reasons for their call to the refusal of President Muhammadu Buhari’s to “respond to allegations that military fund is being used to finance President Buhari’s re-election campaign which even manifested in the use of military resources to produce APC’s campaign materials, including an electronic momento book by the Minister of Defence, Mansur Muhammad Dan-Ali. 

Ologbondiyan also expressed fear, over the disturbing videos of the gallant soldiers allegedly languishing and being killed by insurgents due to neglect and failure of the Buhari administration to adequately equip them in the fronts. He disclosed that, ” the PPCO is also unhappy by similar videos, showing our soldiers protesting and threatening to retreat from the fronts, while grumbling against their neglect by the Buhari administration.  

On the corrupt allegation, Ologbondiyan insisted that, “President Buhari must personally respond to 9 Mobile/Keystone Bank Allegations.

He further revealed: “there are vicious attempt by the All Progressive Congress (APC) to use diversionary tactics to dismiss allegations of corruption hanging directly on President Muhammadu Buhari. The APC is attempting to dismiss revelations that family members of President Buhari’s involvement in acquiring substantial shares in both the 9 Mobile and Keystone Bank Plc that is worth over a N1 trillion.”

The Publicity Secretary also recalled that the PDP had already challenged President Buhari to personally speak out on these allegations, adding: ” PPCO unequivocally stands by its actions that President Muhammadu Buhari has soiled his hands on corruption enrichments and has resorted to sending his aides to put up frivolous defenses. We hereby insist that Mr. President should rise in defence of his best-selling point-assumed integrity-by personally responding to the 9 Mobile and Keystone Bank-gate.”