Poet blames selfish politicians for nation’s woes

Selfish politicians are the biggest enemies of Nigeria as a country and not necessarily religious or ethnic jingoist, a poet, Dike Chukwumerije stated yesterday in Enugu.
The writer said that what Nigerians need was a sustainable job, qualitative education, affordable, accessible and effective healthcare system.
He said: “We want a nation where peace and justice reigns.
Our objective is not to put politicians of certain tribes and religion into power.
Our objective is high standard of living for ourselves and our children.” Dike warned that Nigerians should not be confused with the promises or sweet tongues of the politicians to compromise the objectives for anything adding that: “We must begin to correctly identify the true obstacles to achieving our objectives.
We must begin to correctly identify our enemies.
Our true enemies are not this religious or that ethnic group.
Our true enemies are those transactional politicians that interpret national progress as beginning and ending with hem, in or out of power.
“So, when they are in power, they gloss over the suffering of the people.
When they are out of power they magnify the suffering of the people.
These are our real enemies: Those politicians that throws lavish parties to celebrate their political victories even when the economy is not growing.
“Those politicians who will never give up on their convoys or their police orderlies or, who buys private jets even in the face of biting recession, whose answer to bad roads is bigger cars for themselves, whose answer to traffic jams is using siren and police to push other road users off the road and whose answers to the falling standard of education is sending their children to private schools,” Dike laments.