5, 060 jostle for police jobs in Jigawa

By Bayo Alabira

In line with current security challenges in the country, the Commissioner of Police in charge of the on-going recruitment exercise in Jigawa state, Mr. Rabi’u Yusif, said about 5, 060 candidates were short-listed for screening in the state.

The commissioner disclosed this while fielding questions to reporters at the command headquarter yesterday in Dutse, the Jigawa state capital. Saying he has satisfied with the conduct of the candidates applied for all cadres.
He explained that non-participation of female candidates was as a result of poor enlightenment on the importance of women police in the society.
“Over 5, 060 candidates applied and short listed for screening in all the three cadres, that of the Assistant Superintendent of Police, Inspectors and Constables.”

“As the screening is going on, we have screened 193 out of 276 applicants for ASP cadre, while 83 were absent. For the inspectors, we have screened 1, 105 out of 1, 508, while 40 were absent and for constable 460 applied out of which 226 were screened.
“The exercise is going on smoothly, with transparency, professionalism and in accordance with rules and regulations laid down for the exercise.”
He, therefore, said security and logistics were adequately provided for the exercise designed to be rounded up on the 25th of this month.