5, 000 cops bag promotion in Kaduna

By AbdulRaheem Aodu

It was jubilation galore yesterday at the Kaduna Police command as 5,000 policemen, including the so-called rank and file and officers, were promoted to the next ranks, just as 12 Deputy Superintendents of Police (DSPs) became Superintendents of Police (SPs).

Kaduna state Police Commissioner, Adamu Ibrahim, said the promotion were based on hard work and commitment to duties, adding that the 12 DSP who had just been promoted and decorated with the rank of SP, earned their promotion through hard work, focus and dedication.
The lower cadre of officers, popularly called rank and file, were not left out as the raft of promotion cut across the ranks of inspectors, corporals and constables.
Speaking on behalf of the decorated officers, the outgoing Kaduna state Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), who is also among the 12 newly elevated SPs, Zubairu Abubakar, thanked the immediate past Inspector General of Police, Solomon Arase, for motivating them to work better which had led to their promotion.

He said: “I thank Almighty Allah, IGP Solomon Arase and the Police Commission for the promotion. I know that to whom much is given, much is expected, 12 of us who were formerly in the rank of DSP have just been elevated to the rank of SP. It has never come so easily. You work hard, write exams among other tasks.
“Apart from the 12 of us, there are 5, 000 rank and files which cut across the ranks of inspector, corporal and constables who were also elevated to their next ranks.
“With this massive promotion in the command, the public can be sure that policemen will work better and that will be evident in improved security and peace in the state which is our primary responsibility. We will also do the Nigerian Police Force proud.”