2024 hajj: Max Air to commence airlift of 4,776 Kaduna pilgrims May 23 


Max Air has been designated as the official carrier for the airlift of Kaduna state pilgrims for the 2024 hajj exercise and it would commence the airlift of 4,776 pilgrims who completed the payments on Thursday, May 23, 2024.

A statement issued by the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Kaduna state Pilgrims Agency, Malam Yunusa Muhammad Makarfi,  Tuesday said the date was set in collaboration with the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON), the state agency, and representative of Max Air. 

“The Kaduna State Pilgrims Agency has disclosed that the airlift for intending pilgrims to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for this year’s hajj will begin on May 23rd, 2024.  Max Air has been designated as the official carrier for the airlift of Kaduna state pilgrims to the Holy Land this year. The date was set in collaboration with the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON), the state agency and representative of the airline.

“It will be recalled that last November, Governor Uba Sani established a committee to oversee the state’s hajj operations and ensure pilgrims’ welfare. The committee chairman, Malam Salihu S. Abubakar, who is also the executive chairman of the Pilgrims Welfare Agency, met with unit leaders of the intending pilgrims,” Makarfi, a deputy director of public relations said. 

“Malam Abubakar emphasized the committee’s commitment in ensuring a hitch-free hajj exercise, urging the unit leaders to fulfill their responsibilities in guiding and protecting pilgrims’ rights. The executive chairman also advised pilgrims to maintain communication with officials and warned them to be wary of fraudsters, just as he expressed hope for a successful hajj pilgrimage.

“A total of 4,776 pilgrims who completed payments of all required amount at the prescribed time will perform this year’s hajj. These are pilgrims who met NAHCON deadline payments on or before February 12, 2024 of N4.5 million and an additional amount of N1,199,000. 

“Those who met that deadline became eligible for enjoying the federal government’s support and were given the opportunity to pay additional N1.9 million on or before 28th March, 2024. However, these pilgrims were able to pay the prescribed amount by 17th March, 2024,” Malam Makarfi stated.