2022 election: Don’t vote those with CAF, FIFA ambition, Yakmut tells congress men

A former director general of the defunct National Sports Commission, Dr. Al-Hassan Yakmut, on Thursday advised delegates for the forthcoming Nigeria football Federal election not to vote those with CAF and Fifa ambition rather a president that have football development at heart. 

Yakmut said NFF current attention has turned to what position are you in FIFA and CAF and not what ranking is Nigeria on the performance level. 

He said Nigeria leagues in the past 16 years have remained in the lowest elbow in Africa. 

All those processes from NFA to NFF from Yusuf to Effiong , from Effiong to Kadari down to Kojo Williams I was involved in all the elections. 

“I was in the election that removed Aminu to replace Williams, then Williams left and Sani was elected and others. You see, if you observe there was actually a change when Okoro, Effiong and Yusuf were leading , they were more involved in the development of football and not in their own development in CAF .

 “Now if you look at those who want to contest for president on individual merit, you’ll be confused because their strength are almost equal and it is only their individual weaknesses that is different and they seem to be different from those traditional administration.

“If we really want a qualitative leadership in NFF this time around we should still review the statue and be sure the delegates has spread within the consistency that will determine qualitative leadership in football administration in Nigeria.

” The time limit was even safe by the minister and presidency otherwise there would have been no free playing level because everyone is putting his or her eyes on the material, that is in the office than the input it will bring to the economy and youth development in Nigeria.