2019: Youth movement vows to mobilise 50 million Nigerians against political parties

The Not Too Young To Run movement comprising of other Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) yesterday vowed to mobilise 50 million young registered Nigerians to vote against political parties who refuse to accept the demands of reducing costs for running for office amongst others ahead of the 2019 election.
It’s Executive Director, Samson Itodo, who spoke to news in Abuja during the National Day of Action on Youths Candidacy and Democratic party primaries also added that the Nigerians will raise up and assign their sovereignty through the ballots.
Itodo also demanded political parties need to give young women,youth and men with disabilities tickets to run in the coming in elections.
He also said the youths wants 30 percent for all the legislative seats as well as 109 seats in the Federal House of Representatives.
“Democracy is about majority and so the we the youths are majority of voters and so the parties need to act and take it seriously.” He also said parties should uphold democratic and direct party primaries “We the youth say no to automatic party tickets.
“We say no to candidate in position because it undermines our democracy and it reduces the competitiveness of electoral politics because that is what democracy is all about.
“Recognising the value of political legitimacy in representative democracy, we commit to mobilizing citizens against all forms of voter inducement, electoral corruption and electoral violence,”he said.