2019: Group wants Borno Senator Ali Ndume replaced

A youth pressure group, Borno Youth and Students Discussion (BYSD-Forum), has advised former Senate Leader, Ali Ndume, not to seek further election at the Borno South Senatorial District in 2019.
The group accused Mr. Ndume of alleged misrepresentation and nepotism.
Mr. Ndume denied the allegation.
At a press conference in Maiduguri, BYSD-Forum said Mr. Ndume has not been able to distinguish himself in the 16 years of his being at the National Assembly.
The lawmaker had represented part of his present constituency as a member of House of Representatives (Gwoza-Damboa-Chibok) between 2003 and 2011, and as a senator from 2011 to date.
The call for his replacement came days after the people of his senatorial district held a national summit in Maiduguri insisting on political power shift within the zone and the state in general.
The summit held last week Saturday.
In Borno, there is an unwritten political structuring that restricts certain elective offices to particular zones or local governments of the state and senatorial districts.
The Saturday summit had at the end of the day agreed that though power shift is a good idea, it cannot be used to subjugate people’s free will of choosing candidates via party primaries.
It was on this basis that a seemingly frustrated BYSD-forum decided to embark on a campaign to replace Mr Ndume with a relatively popular personality, from his own local government, Gwoza.
“We call on Senator Ndume to take a rest and allow people that are ready for genuine sacrifice to take over from him,” said Prince Muhammed Hassan, a leader of the BYSD-Forum.