2015: Envoy urges Nigerians to support Jonathan

Ahead of the 2015 general elections, a governorship aspirant in Delta state, Ambassador Gabriel Chukwuma Oyibode yesterday charged Nigerians to support President Goodluck Jonathan to actualise his dream.

According to him, Jonathan has performed creditably well in the areas of infrastructure development and other sectors of the economy.
He made the call in Asaba, the Delta state capital, while carrying out consultations with traditional rulers, elders, and stakeholders of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to endorse him for the forthcoming elections.

Oyibode enjoined politicians to avoid politics of bitterness, rancour and scandal and obey the rule of law, and that “they should always play the game of politics according to the laid down procedures and never to see it as a do-or-die affair.”

He said what Nigerians needed at the moment was patience, understanding, love for one another, peaceful coexistence and not war or crisis.
He advised Nigerians, irrespective of their religion or tribe, to pray fervently for the country to attain the desired peace and the “re-election bid of Mr. President so that he can complete all his good programmes he has already initiated.”