1.8m pilgrims now in Saudi Arabia

The Director General General of the Directorate of passport in Saudi Arabia, Brigadier. Gen. Suleiman Abdullazeez Alyahya, has said that the Kingdom have so far admitted a total of 1,838,339 pilgrims into Saudi Arabia for Hajj 2019 as at noon on Wednesday.

He said this Wednesday in Jeddah, at a press conference on end of phase 1 of Hajj 2019.

He said about three hundred intending pilgrims were found to have arrived the Kingdom with forged visas.

He however, said only one person with a valid visa was caught with a fake International passport.

Alyahya said biometric capture of pilgrims entering KSA takes only between 15-20 seconds, adding that flights that come a little late are usually due to technical faults.

He praised the Crown Prince, Mohammed Bn Salam, for his effortts  in making pilgrims comfortable and for the success of the first phase of the pilgrimage for this year.

Alyahya commended the ministries of Interior, Health, Customs, Airports, the Police, Military as well as Hajj and Umrah whom have provided services for the success of the operation.

He said one of the major successes recorded this year was that pilgrims do not have to wait for their luggages upon arrival at the airport.

He said luggages were delivered to pilgrims at their accommodation.