Zulum’s government is working 

I see nothing wrong with the Governor Babagana Zulum administration because he has embarked on many developmental projects since he assumed power in 2019 compared to other governors across the country. But some of the citizens do not like his style of making the state to become like one of the developed states in the country.

The Borno state governor has been constructing roads across the state, building two bridges in the state capital, Maiduguri, for the citizens for easy transportations. Tens of schools were also constructed to enhance the education system in the state. Hospitals – new and old ones – were reconstructed too to ease health problems in the state.

More than 4,000 teachers were recruited with various qualifications to teach at various schools across the state. These teachers are to teach different subjects for the pupils and students to acquire quality education to enable them competing with their peers globally.

Considering the importance of health workers to the wellbeing of the people, Governor Zulum employed many qualified nurses, doctors and other health workers to improve the health sector in the state. 

Billions of naira have been spent to train more health workers in and outside the state for future health problems. Much more has been done by the governor to improve the life of the citizens of the state. And he is proceeding with work as if he is just starting. 

May God bless our governor, His Excellency Professor Babagana Umara Zulum.

Saidu Karimu,

Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India.