Zulum: With gratitude from Monguno

The last time I wrote it was “Zulum: with gratitude from London.” That was when His Excellency Professor Zulum sponsored my master’s degree at one of the prestigious Universities in London, UK. 

Precisely after a year and 4 months while in London for the graduation ceremony after successfully completing my master’s degree, Zulum graciously approved my appointment and elevated me from SA to SSA on New Media.

As if all these favours were not enough, yesterday, when I was in Monguno, Zulum elevated me with added responsibilities from Senior Special Assistant on New Media to Senior Technical Assistant on Print and Digital Communications. How do I then begin to thank you, your Excellency?

First, I must express my gratitude to the Almighty Allah for the bounties and favours throughout my life.

Your Excellency, I must confess that your generosity and the privilege you have accorded me have humbled me. I do not have a word that can truly express how grateful I am to you.

To everyone who supported me directly or indirectly, I thank you all. May Allah reward you.

Lastly, my associates and well wishes, either on the social media platform, those who sent a text message, or those who made a phone call. I deeply appreciate you, and thank you for your well wishes and prayers.