Zazzau emirate may split into 3 – Sources

For the first time, Zazzau Emirate in Kaduna state that consist of 12 local government areas of the state may split to three with two more additional Emirates. The two are Kaduna and Kudan Emirates.

Unconfirmed sources in Zaria confided in  our correspondent that the state government has since sent the matter of creating additional emirates to the state assembly for legislation.

The source also alleged that the state was making the move to favour its candidate who was a former ambassador in the current APC administration in the event that he couldn’t scale to become the new Emir of Zazzau following the demise of late Emir, Alhaji Shehu Idris who died few days ago.

The Papar also learnt the former ambassador would be made the first of the new Emirates in the state, thereby history would repeat itself as his father was one time in charge of Kaduna, but not as Emir.

A member of the state assembly, representing Zaria City, Alhaji Suleiman Ibrahim Dabo, Wakilin Birnin Zazzau, denied the speculation that the state government has presented the issue to split the Emirate.

He made the denial in his Facebook page Tuesday, saying that what the state took before the assembly was the 2021 budget but the split of the Emirate.

However, our correspondent reports that armed security personnel were seen stationed at various locations in Zaria, especially near the Emir’s palace.