Youths no longer available for thuggery – NYCN

The President, National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN), Sukubo SaraIgbe Sukubo has cautioned political stakeholders that the Nigerian youths are not for thuggery, saying they are qualified to be appointed or elected into any political office.
The NYCN president stated this during the official hand over of the Nigeria Youths House and mantle of leadership to the newly elected executives recently, in Abuja.
Sukubo said “I appreciate the entire Nigerian youths for this privilege they have given to me and my colleagues to serve them.
I assure you that we will not disappoint you all.
“Let me use this opportunity to also sound a note of warning to the political class, that Nigerian youths are not and should not be used as thugs in the forthcoming 2019 general elections.
Any politician that needs thugs should start from his or her family,” he said.
On the high cost of expression of interest and nomination forms, Sukubo lamented that “the forms are too expensive for most of our youths who are ready to run.
But a few have bought the form.
So I charge all lovers of democracy and concerned Nigerian youths to support competent and credible youths seeking for elective position in any part of the country.
“Meanwhile, irrespective of our political differences, all political parties should give the needed support and opportunity to the youths to enable them to serve.
Youths should be given appointments as ministers, directors general, commissioners and other positions.
“As a matter of fact, there is need for a minister of youth, with credibility, energy and capacity to drive the future,” he added.